No snacks allowed at ACT?!

<p>Unfortunately - without knowing the name of the student or the name of the proctor - I don’t think there is much ACT can do. I agree with you that simply identifying the school and the room would jeopardize every boy in that room - so I don’t think that is the answer either.</p>

<p>I think if she calls anonymously just to see what if any options exist - that’s really the only thing she can do. I would be interested to hear ACT’s response after she speaks to them.</p>

<p>I do some test proctoring myself and the first thing we do is have everyone actually put their phones on a desk - so no one has their phone on them. The ACT admissions ticket actually lists a cellphone as a prohibited item. If I was proctoring and a kid had kept their phone hidden and proceeded to text - I would not hesitate to dismiss them from the test immediately and file an irregularity report - that is the correct procedure.</p>

<p>Thanks for your help, rockvillemom. I will report back with any information she gets from ACT.</p>