<p>here is my dilemma</p>
<p>im a third year undergrad majoring in Econ. i had a hard time with calculus and im no good with math.</p>
<p>i have heard many times from professors that economics graduate programs are VERY different from econ undergrad programs, because that level requires much more math. its more quantitive, and you have to use calculus to prove stuff often.</p>
<p>therefore econ grad is not an option. law and medicine i dont have interest in.</p>
<p>MBA i could consider, but MBA programs usually cant be pursued straight out of undergrad. that's bad... also, i hear that in the workplace, not being one of those who have to go back to get a MBA is a good thing. after all the degree isnt really required for anything.</p>
<p>a master's in finance is probably more, or just as quantative in nature as an MBA degree. also its not offered by alot of schools!</p>
<p>also, do MBA and finance programs require students to take accounting courses while in undergrad? because i havent taken any yet, and it's hard to fit any in my schedules before i graduate!</p>
<p>i dont think graduate programs in the humanities are options for me, such as International Relations. i dont even know if i would qualify for them.</p>
<p>so i guess my options are getting an MBA or never going to grad school? not good... ;-/</p>
<p>advice welcome (of course)</p>