Nobel winner establishes annual symposium

<p>Nobel</a> laureate establishes symposium to inspire young scientists (May 21, 2008)</p>

<p>Nice! Too bad the first symposium will be after school is done and everyone, ie undergrads, dispersed for the summer.</p>

<p>I think lots of ugs stay around for summer to work and or take a class or two. After year 1 I never went home. My rent was for the year so I figured might as well stay someplace fun rather than go home to NJ. It was not hard to get a job. There are plenty around in the summer. But maybe it is easier to get big names such as Hood after the school year is over. That might not be the permanent date either. </p>

<p>What did you think of the waitlist brouhaha? You must be happy they went to instate kids first.</p>

<p>Remembering this is a public institution it is good to serve the state residents first. Reading the article it is easy to see why the waitlist happened as it did. I'm sure a lot of instate students do not have the same level choices that OOS students have, for some the dream of Madison will replace other state schools whereas OOS students most likely had academically comparable schools as a backup.</p>