Non-sorority girls

<p>All this talk of 200+ potential pledges crawling all over the campus… I am curious…</p>

<p>UA says 27% of its female students are in sororities. Is that figure higher for freshmen? What percentage of entering freshman girls actually rush? </p>

<p>I guess what I’m asking is… are most girls already on campus, or will there be plenty of non-rushing girls showing up this weekend?</p>

<p>:) Don’t worry, Slippy, there are plenty of smart, pretty girls who will be arriving on campus over the next several days. :)</p>

<p>I am not worried… I was just asking for a “friend.”</p>

<p>…a very close friend I’m sure.:)</p>

<p>There are three non-rushing young ladies currently in RCW who aren’t too hard on the eyes. :)</p>

<p>Don’t forget all the MDB girls, Color Guard and Crimsonettes who are already in town. Tell “your friend” to go check out the band field!</p>

<p>One of his roommates is in the band. Perhaps this has promise…</p>

<p>DD and her three roomies in RCS-N are all band girls and in the Honors College. Two are NMF and other two have the Presidential. Beauty, brains and musical talent… not that I’m biased or anything. They are at practice about 9-10 hours a day so they aren’t “out & about” on campus very much. </p>


<p>Please send some of them over to the Riverside complex!</p>

<p>I would Montegut but there’s no time… They have to be at the practice field @8:15 in the morning and finish @ 9:45 at night. 1.5 hours for lunch and same for dinner. Tell those in Riverside to simply follow the sound… They are over 400 MDB on the field!</p>

<p>^^^I meant during the school year. There’s a small pool in Riverside, and it’s a nice place for young ladies to catch a quick suntan without going all the way to the Rec Center.</p>

<p>That could be an enticement! They will certainly need to even out the lines from their “band tan.”</p>

<p>I was in a sorority last year and dropped at the end of the year. I moved in today and am already feeling a little overwhelmed by all of the sorority girls in Tuscaloosa, even though I used to be one of them. It gets better. :slight_smile: There are plenty of non-greek girls yet to come.</p>

<p>why did you drop regina?</p>

<p>Just wasn’t for me. Too many rules, too time consuming, too much money. I don’t deal well with authority in general, let alone girls my age telling me what to do. I knew I was never a “sorority girl,” but I wanted to give it a try. Glad I did, but not something I want to be a part of for three more years/the rest of my life.</p>

<p>Although many girls enjoy sorority life, it is not for everyone. Sounds like you made a wise decision for yourself. Have a great year :)</p>

<p>There are 2 very adorable (not a biased mom here) Alabama Action girls with one very adorable rushing roommate in Riverside West that have been hosting Shark Week watching parties this week. When I finally heard from my dd last night, she was doing laundry for a young gentleman in exchange from him taking out all her garbage. I think she is adjusting well. :)</p>

<p>Even if 40% of freshman girls are rushing sororities, that leaves 60% NOT rushing…with plenty of time to scope out the freshman and upperclassman men.
Take heart slippy. Put on your deodorant, get out of the dorm, smile and be helpful to the lovelies moving in!</p>

<p>how big is the freshman class?</p>

<p>The move-in info stated that 7700 students would call the campus home this year. I think that means living on campus. 80% frosh?</p>