Non-traditional construction science transfer applicant

I am a nontraditional transfer applicant, mid-thirties, married with kids, 13 years prior law enforcement, now 4 years in oil and gas. I am applying to transfer this fall to the construction science program. My AIS and HOWDY finally updated to “complete and in review” on Friday due to one of my transcripts taking forever to be processed. I know they are so busy going through applications and paperwork.

Any idea how long it may take them to accept/deny a construction science transfer applicant? I currently have a little over the required 24 hours toward my degree plan and all A’s, and I will have well over 30 hours by fall.

Is it possible that I could get an answer before the March 1st application deadline since construction science doesn’t have the same applicant load as engineering or business?

Anyone else also a COSCI transfer applicant?

Usually it takes 2-3 weeks to hear something back after everything has been processed. It just depends on how many applicants the college gets. It’ll be awhile for engineering transfers, where as I applied for the college of geosciences and my Howdy portal updated with the “my record” and “my finances” tabs after just a week of my app being complete. Keep in mind the college of geosciences doesn’t get as many applicants. Supposedly AIS updates overnight on tuesday and thursday nights so keep an eye out especially on wednesdays and fridays. Also keep checking Howdy, specifically the manage applications link and the transfer audit report. Sometimes Howdy updates before AIS. Best of luck to you!

My hope is that, like Geosciences, Construction Science is not going to have the applicant load to sift through like engineering or business, so maybe I will hear something within a week or so. I know I check HOWDY and AIS way too much!

In what order does the notification go? HOWDY, AIS, email, then letter?

It just depends. Usually Howdy updates in some way before AIS but sometimes AIS updates first and people don’t get the 2 new tabs until after. So just keep checking both.

Ok thank you, emily. Congrats on your admission!

I am also a construction science transfer applicant. I had all of my documents and applications submitted by January 5th. I have a 4.0 GPA with a little over 60 credit hours and will have every course completed on the transfer information page for construction science. I also am still waiting to hear back. I know that the majority of summer transfer applicants have already heard back, but have yet to hear of any transfers from construction science for fall 2015. hopefully we hear something soon. Keep me updated if you hear anything back and I will do the same.


Julian, I think I had everything submitted around that time, but I had one transcript that took a while to arrive (it was not submitted electronically) and took well over 2 weeks to be processed.

Best of luck to you, and maybe we will both cross paths one day in COSCI classes.

I was talking to a professor at the begging of the semester and he told me that A&M is lowering their standards (secretly) so that they can bring in more money. I transferred into COSC a little over a year and a half ago with 24 hours and a 3.3 GPA. The department construction science is getting huge and from what I have been hearing they are accepting almost everyone that applies. Good luck to y’all!

Zach that makes me feel a little better. I figured the thing that could possibly get me denied was me having a little over 24 hours. With what you said and me having a 4.0, I hope to hear good news very soon. The waiting is brutal.

Are you really enjoying the program?

Thank you for that information Zach. Like coscitransferag said, the waiting is brutal.

The waiting will be over before you know it! It will all be worth it once you get the acceptance letter! I love the construction science program at tamu. We just got a whole building renovated for the cosc department, and most of the professors are down to earth. It is one of the few majors that try to push you to graduate on time and with a solid job. I would highly suggest going to the career fairs that our department hosts every semester to start networking with company’s. I also really like the fact that you have to do a full semester long internship (which is payed, most get around $18 hour depending on the company it may go up or down) and it counts as 7 credit hours. With the new degree plan that y’all will be on you can get your business minor without tacking on another semmester of classes. They will give you more details at your orientation, but until then, keep up the good work and don’t worry. I have a few buddy’s that transfered in with 3.0s and I’ve heard of people getting in with 2.8 and 2.9. I would also recommend speaking with one of our construction science advisors soon to have them review your classes and make sure you are on the right track, it may even help your chance of admittance(who knows). Feel free to ask me any questions if you have any.

Zack, thanks for all the info. I’ve actually been in contact with the advisors for several months, and I talked with them at transfer info day in November. I had a long talk with Shelley, and she said I will probably get to do my internship at the company I work for, so fortunately for me, I already have a job and will be staying with my company. I talked with Shelley about possibly setting my company up as a in internship site for TAMU COSCI students. We have a few Aggies working here. I know that if I hire an Aggie at my company, I am getting someone with exhibits the Aggie core values, so it would benefit our company.

I am a lot older than most undergrad students at TAMU, married, and have 2 small kids, so I HAVE to work. So if I am admitted, I will not be a full time student - who knows how long it will take for me to graduate! The advisors at transfer info day said that would not be a problem to be part time. Figuring out the logistics of getting from Katy to College Station for classes will be interesting, but I do have an uncle who lives off College Ave close to campus, and I can stay with him a few days a week.

Thanks again for all the info. No update on AIS or HOWDY as of this morning…the waiting continues…

I was accepted today!

Good for you Julian! I’m a little worried - no update yet on my HOWDY or AIS. I am getting more and more nervous as each day passes.

Did your HOWDY page or AIS page update first?

Thanks! I’m sure you’ll get in, you have good stats.

Howdy tabs appeared first and AIS updated a few hours later.