<p>I'm a transfer student and I confess I applied right by the deadline for transfers (March 1), but I havent heard anything from them yet!!!! I sent a paper application (I'm very old school :P) But by now at least a rejection letter would put me out of my misery! lol. What about you guys??</p>
<p>Transfer notification: </p>
<p>We’re still planning to post transfer decisions by April 17. Thanks for your patience!</p>
<p>(from UNC Admissions Blog)
<a href=“https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=4235822278413094178&postID=4571356277651384538&isPopup=true[/url]”>https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=4235822278413094178&postID=4571356277651384538&isPopup=true</a></p>
<p>Well thank you!</p>