Hi, I really like the design of North and the openness, since the building is beautiful, but I really like the format of the rooms in Max P, but despise the building because of its garish orange-ness. Which do you think I should choose? Thank you!
Max P. You will be living on the inside, not the outside.
And if you live in North, you’ll probably walk have to see Max P everyday anyway! My North-dwelling (hence South-going) Zax walks past or through Max on her way to class each morning.
@kaukauna @exacademic Thank you! Is there any difference within the buildings? I also really like how airy and open North seems.
North has stacked houses where every three floors is a different house, Max’s houses are kinda weird and randomly located and houses seem kinda shoved in as an afterthought. You probably won’t get a single in Max if you stay in housing, you probably will in North. You can’t get an apartment in Max, you can in North. North is very very white on the inside, Max is more neutrally colored. North has a study room on the 15th floor with views of the skyline, Max is short and wide.
Those are the biggest differences I can think of.
You can go for breakfast in your PJs at North. Max requires a (short) trip for food.
Actually the distance from the entrance of Max East to Bartlett is nearly the exact same as from the entrance of North to Baker - about 200 feet. The real winner for pajama breakfasts is South - it’s only a 30 foot walk from the front door of South to Cathey.