Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Hi @DNapier , I do not know, but I know who might – @TomSrOfBoston !!!

I would think that is based on the super score (wouldn’t any college want to base their published score range on the highest scores received?). But that is just my conjecture.

What do you think @TomSrOfBoston ?? Are you happy to see me back since 2018?? Next kid in line :slight_smile:

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Thanks! My son has a 34 as super-score, and we are just debating whether we should submit it. His GPA is 3.93/4.6. We are not sure which would be the best approach, ACT&GPA or just GPA, because his ACT doesn’t seem to be that good for NEU.

@DNapier , a 34 is solid and right in the range at Northeastern! If my kid had a 34, I’d encourage her to send it. Maybe double check with his GC or Admissions Rep. Crazy to have this discussion with such nice scores!


Northeastern does superscore,

@Winky1 Welcome back!


I was told that unless there was a serious illness or an inability to get online that the Covid essay should be left blank. I was told that basically most kids had the experience. Did anyone else hear that?


I think that sounds right. I watched the Northeastern Convocation speech to the freshman class by President Aoun. He asked by a show of hands, “How many of you had a full experience in your high school last year?” and no one raised their hands. He told them they would have a full experience at Northeastern this year. So I think they know how much students missed due to Covid, unless there is something unique to highlight.

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We just toured NEU and Boston U and both presentations said not to include if the score in not in
that median range. Same reasoning as your pizza analogy–can’t consider what is not presented. So if you don’t submit a score, it can’t be considered for or against an applicant.


I agree with you @mcklem and what this forum has been saying about whether to submit or not to submit, but the funny thing is this: if a score is not presented, then wouldn’t the admissions people just assume that it is below the middle 50%? I think that it’s pretty safe to say that that is the case when there are no scores to consider. So really, I think they will know they are considering a candidate on the lower end of their scale if not scores are there… and that probably does become a piece of the pizza they are considering!


I agree. The advantage to the school, of course, is they don’t have to include that kid’s numbers in their averages. Win-win. :wink:


@Winky1 Some students were not able to take the SAT or ACT (bc of COVID). We were fortunate to secure a spot for our son but many of his friends could not take the test. So admissions reps don’t know if the student is not submitting bc they couldn’t take it or bc they don’t want to provide a score that doesn’t strengthen their application.

@parentofkz Want to acknowledge your point. That is a fact. Is your son in the class of 2022? We are in Pennsylvania, and that issue was one for the classes of 2020 and 2021. I am not thinking that is still an issue? But maybe it still is for different parts of the county. For us here, testing is happening like normal which is why I am now thinking the way I am.


My child has a 32 ACT, so we are not submitting to schools where the score is not in middle 50%. He put in he is not submitting on the common-app. I was told that you can say you will submit test scores on the individual college sections on the common-app, but not all schools ask if you want to submit. A few ask for additional information, but most don’t. If the test score is in 50% range or higher, how do you submit the test score to a school that does not ask if you want to submit the test score?

@mer1 , I’d just have the score sent directly from the testing agency.

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you can change that question on the common app for each individual school

We are in the San Francisco Bay Area. Local testing sites filled up very quickly so those who could registered for places 4-6 hours away. When our older son signed up for tests pre-COVID, there were many more local testing sites with availability.

Does anyone know about merit aid and ED? I just attended a webinar about NU ED and they didn’t address that. Are merit awards given with ED decision and financial aid package? Is more merit aid given out during ED or RD? I think we will need merit aid bc our demonstrated financial need per the NPC is less than our true need (bc we live in a very high-cost area so don’t truly have as much available income as calculators think and we will not take a loan against our house or other loans that we can’t afford to pay back). They offer an early review process where you submit CSS PROFILE by 10/22 and they will tell you what your financial aid package will likely be but that early review does not include merit aid.

My son was deferred EA (not ED) and accepted RD. In the acceptance letter they said he had gotten a Dean’s Scholarship. You could get more scholarship money if your child is a National Merit Finalist. For reference, his ACT score was 34, UW GPA was 4.0, weighted GPA was 4.7 and rank was top decile of class (no numbers). He needs to maintain a certain GPA to keep it, but his grades have been excellent.

We don’t get need-based aid, but accepted their offer of a federal loan that is $3,500 per semester.

If you have questions, the people at the Office of Student Financial Services are nice.


Is that early review just for ED @ParentOfKZ ?

I was surprised to hear the admissions folks say that–I’m just passing it along. But as ParentOfKZ points out: not all students could schedule a standardized test. The SAT was held at my kiddo’s high school because it is a state graduation requirement. However, the ACT was near impossible to get, as was re-taking the SAT. Most of the dates ended up being cancelled. So the admissions committee won’t know if it is because of a low score or couldn’t schedule a date.

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[quote=“ParentOfKZ, post:56, topic:3545820”]
They offer an early review process where you submit CSS PROFILE by 10/22 and they will tell you what your financial aid package will likely be but that early review does not include merit aid.
[/quote] Hi, did you get this from the webinar, from an official NEU rep? Does NEU have this policy anywhere on their website? Thanks!