Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Accepted from MD into Explore Program (undeclared). 1480 SAT, 4.0 UW, 4.6 W. Showed a lot of demonstrated interest (campus tour and info sessions) and said I did not want NUin on application.


i got into nu bound with 12k/yr merit and no need based. They say " Our decisions were not based on who was stronger or who was weaker, but instead, our decisions were largely based on student preference" on this site so it’s definitely not a rejection - just a different experience


My son had a great experience with the Explore Program. The advisors are terrific and he was reluctant to declare a major and leave the program.


The NEU application portal doesn’t seem to work today. Normally after I click login twice, it would let me in, but today, it seems stay in login page. Anyone else has the same issue?

Mine worksss just fine

D22 got deferred. She is top of her calls, probably second from the the top ,out of 200 . Applying for biology/englsih major. She is a published research author, presedent of NHC, and science NHC , formed a bio olympiad club, vice president of diversity and inclusion club, has volonteer hours, exellent internhip last year in addiction/psych clinic, french club, drama club
 1540 SAT 790 math 750 englsih , GPA 4.0/4.5 8 APs , all honors. Showed interest. No fin aid requested.
Many people applied from her school . 5 who got in are allwith mediocre grades , definetly not as strong as my D22. not sure about their ECs. Her BS calc math teacher- said that all his 5 top student in his class got deffered. Velodictorian at her school , who took a multivariable calc got deffered. ( he is applying to MTI, Tufts ). He got deferred from MIT. NEU is not an IVY. Its a good school in NE that number150 something on the world list of schools. with a stiker proce 75K a year. They position themself as a cometitive school , but they to not chose best of the best as I though.
We came to the point that all our kids worked for - does not metter. We came to the point that many EA T50 schools they applying to deferring very strong candidates without any logical explonation. Last year they reject velodictorian at my dtr school. She endedup up going to Princeton. She was also accepted to UPenn. But not everybody applying and been accepted to IVys.
My dtr got admitted to Honors colledges at UVM and UMASS. She got admitted to Mcgill university that one of the best in Canada , great research opportinities 
 and if we talking abour rating -is number 30 world wide.
It not fair. NEU is a disgrace .


I visited the school three times. Participated in all the virtual events. Stayed in touch with admissions. I don’t think it matters lol

My D22, besides signing up for emails and checking website, has not shown any other interest. Most of her schoolmates were deferred and she was accepted. I attribute it only to the fact (besides 4.0/36 stats) she is going for cybersecurity major and had related ECs. Not many schools have cyber major, so maybe NEU thought she has more chances of accepting their offer. It is really amazing to watch US universities admission games :exploding_head:


Seeing the same at our large public competitive High School. The top tier kids and mid tier were all deferred. Acceptances came from the tier between top and mid. Demonstrated interest didn’t play a role.


If you have read this thread, and so many others on CC, there are a ton of high stats kids who were deferred or denied. If it’s true that only 6% were admitted, the overwhelming majority were not admitted in the early round, but the deferred students may still be admitted. Sometimes lower stats kids are accepted due to choice of major, hooks such as first generation or underrepresented minority, likelihood of attending, or many other reasons. College admissions is not fair and NU is not an Ivy, but it is an excellent and unique school which, frankly, offered students an on-campus experience that most Ivies did not in 20-21. I am sure your child will thrive no matter which college they attend. McGill is a great option. Good luck.


Sounds like they were yield protecting themselves with a lot of the high stat kids. We are from a private school in CT and have heard some very similar stories from the private schools circuit here. At the same time we found out that a kid who got 1200 on the SAT got in TO. Goes to show you how much stats really play a role here. NU has been playing the rankings game for a while now and seems this year they are trying to up their yield. Still a great school though for those who attend IMO. Your daughter is an excellent candidate and I am positive she will be attending a prestigious school of her choosing once all the decisions roll out.

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McGill is an excellent school and in normal times Montreal is an amazing city. My older son is an alumnus. But in the 2020-2021 academic year McGill was essentially remote and subject to some bizarre and unique restrictions mandated by the government e.g. nighttime curfews.

More importantly undergraduate admissions at McGill is not holistic. It is based on stats only: unweighted GPA and SAT/ACT scores (in normal times). If they were facing an avalanche of applications they would likely have to make some surprising decisions too.


Different story here. My school is pretty close to Boston and in years past we have had up to 30 NEU admits. This year, in early action (where most people applied), only the top two ranked students were directly admitted (both applied for CS). Two other students got NU IN and are in the top 5.

yes, because of the pandemic going to another country to study is stressful . Mcgiil did not handle pandemic very well. I just hope this coming year will be different. That is why D22 looking into US based shools . She wants to be closer to home. For now Mcgill is the best offer on the table , but she is dissapointed, that she really worked hard for 4 years, sacrificing a lot for good grades, only to realize that that your hard work does not metter.

thank you , )) she is really dissapointed.

I only have a statistics from my D22 private catholic high school. All people who got in does not fit URM or first generation. They all are from white upper middle class familes.
they clearly a mid tear candidates , who got accepted over more qualified. In any other country - high education is granted on performance. You pass the entrance test - you got it. unfortunately is not the case here. As you can say I am bitter )) , but we will move on. Thank you for taking time to respond.

Hang in there @norik95. My D is in the same situation as yours, and is pretty disappointed. Many of our deferred kids will likely be accepted in RD, but the wait (all the way to end of March!) is going to be terrible.
Good luck!

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Thank you for your kind words ! Good lack to your D!

But I guess my question is where they are getting that 3000 number and if they are interpreting it correctly? If they are getting it from that posting that everyone is citing (where it looks like admissions is saying they have made 3000 offers for fall admissions so far), it seems like they may be double counting by having 880 in the ED row and 3000 in the EA row
but maybe they are getting the 3000 number from another source and are sure it’s EA

First, congratulations to those who have been accepted. I hope you all are happy and excited.

My child was also deferred. High stats, good ECs–you know the story. They applied to five schools, and NEU is their #1–at least for now. Sadly we’ve learned a lot about the school since they applied, and it’s caused us to rethink things. While my child said they wanted to continued to be considered, it is highly unlikely they will attend if offered a spot. The rumors of not reading applications, crowded conditions, and the numerous deferrals do not strike us as indicators of a well-run, student-centered institution.

If NEU wants to weed out less committed students, they should require supplemental essays with their application. They’ve brought this on themselves by having such an easy application–just push a button. My child decided against applying to three high level schools because of the extra writing.