Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I see your point and agree ( but don’t think it would include ED2, just ED1 and EA), so it was most likely even lower than 6% like you said, around 4%.

BTW, the source of post was allegedly from an internal email to school counselors

How is College Kickstart getting their data?

No idea, might be from the same email to school conselors.

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They provided that number at a NUin virtual information session over the summer.

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Got deferred. I originally labeled having no interest in NU In study abroad program. Can I change this now to increase my chances? If so, how?

They get there data directly sent from the school.

I think we’re in total agreement…ED2 hasn’t come out yet so the 3000 could only include ED1 plus EA…I only referenced the ED2 to point out that the post was not just about EA and the discussion of how many offers they have given came after their reference to Early Decision, in which they talked about both ED1 and ED2…

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got accepted into CS-
lots of ap/ib classes
good ecs
dean scholarship 64k

I don’t think my stats and ecs got me in… Demonstrated interest played a massive factor in Northeastern admissions this year (I think). All the people I talked to that got in EA showed a lot of demonstrated interest and all did at least an in-person tour (including me). Even if you are a very strong applicant they want assurance that it is possible that you attend their school, and while all schools are like this, I think it is especially true for northeastern because they are trying to increase yield, eliminate the problem of overenrollment, and deal with a 30% increase in EA applicants from last year. GL to everyone that got deferred in regular decision. Tough year :confounded:


Congratulations!! Please be very proud of yourself. Your stats suggest you have worked very hard.

When we attended the in-person tour, we had 300 other people in our group and another 300 waiting for their turn. Not sure if there is any other way to show interest.

accepted from md into cs + business administration combined major!


I think he’s referring to covid restrictions. I have two daughters at NU. Last year the school and city were pretty restrictive, but things have loosened up this semester.

I don’t know. NEU typically admits around 1,000+ students via ED1 & 2 but I would suspect this year, they will admit a few more to manage their yield. So, accepting around 880 in ED1 makes sense. I think they said they would be accepting around 50% of their class from ED rounds this year so likely around 1,200-1,300 total, maybe another 300 from ED2. They probably did admit 6,000 in EA round. (Correction: 3000)
According to their CDS, they admitted a total of 13,829 last year and yielded 4,500 (far more than expected.) I would guess they’ll be ultra conservative this year and have a waitlist to rely on come May. Who knows?

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I would call the admissions office and ask that question. They are there to answer this type of very valid question.

Hmmm…I don’t see how they admitted anywhere near 6000 in EA…they said explicitly that they have offered admission to 3000 so far…the question is if that number includes the 880 in ED1 (I think the way the post is written implies yes, so that’s only about 2000 offers for EA).

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And it costs $75!!


At this point the only data that I trust is what is in the Northeasten CDS for Fall, 2021.

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the number doesn’t include the ED1 admitted populace, that is why there are two separate sections.

My daughter was accepted into the school of business with a merit award. 1530 SAT (790m/740v) and 3.9 gpa. 10 APs, strong ECs with leadership and visited campus last spring. Also sent an email to AO last week and maybe that helped! Said she was willing to do NUin but was given the main campus.


Option 1–Son did not want to do NUin or Bound. School tour was only demonstrated interest.

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