Northeastern University 2019 EA

I applied for Business Administration and Political science!! I’m so nervous because northeastern is my top as of right now and the first non-safety I’ll hear back from

@BrooklynRye When do EA decisions come out?

I just called and they still said sometime before Feb 1. You would think at this point they would have a better idea

No, it’s not they don’t know. Even if they know when they are releasing decisions, they will still tell you before Feb. 1. They won’t tell you when they actually plan on releasing

Do you guys think the decisions will come out tomorrow?

Last year they were all out by Thursday Jan 18th, but I think they had started coming out in waves (by state) beforehand. So if nobody has heard back by now, then probably next week?

Has anyone on this NU thread also apply to Villanova EA? My daughter was denied to Villanova EA with the below stats. Having said that 'Nova was very low on her list, never visited or emailed. Just curious as we went from feeling pretty good about NU to not so good after that denial. 'Nova was quite low on her list but as a benchmark for NU. All kinds of weirdness happening on 'Nova threads with lower numbers getting in and similar to my daughter getting deferred and denied. Lots of theories. Just a bizarre process.

DENIED: Villanova Business School
SAT: 1460
GPA: 3.99 (unweighted)
Rank: N/A
Rigor (APs/honors): 7 AP Classes, 11 Honors Classes
Extras: Class VP, 4 Years, Jefferson Scholar Nominee, Hispanic Heritage Foundation Gold Medal Scholar, National Hispanic Scholar, Coca-Cola Semi-finalist, 4 Years ADL, SADD, about 10 other groups. Part of 5 charities and volunteer groups, National Honor Society.
State Residency: MA
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Gender: F

Applied date: 11/1/18
Decision date: 1/11/19

I’m applying computer science major but trying to double in math. good luck to all!

@tbrixton I have never followed Nova’s thread, but they may have thought your D was using it as a safety and had no real interest in attending since as you say, she didn’t show much interest outside of applying. Schools are looking for good matches and yield numbers. Hopefully she showed more interest in NEU as it seems like she would be a good match for the school - but the whole college admissions process is bizarre and hard to know what each school is looking for each year… so best to cast a wide net and see what happens. Good luck to her!

I applied to Villanova for Nursing and I was also denied. I just think Nova is being extra picky about their applicants this year. Similar to BC being harsh on the EA pool this year as well. @tbrixton

@tbrixton Hi!! I applied to Villanova EA and was accepted for business. I never visited or emailed either but I’ll just say that your daughter is definitely more impressive than me in terms of stats.

@twicemama Thanks and yes Northeastern is her top choice (or 1/1A). She visited 3 times (one was an invited visit) and emailed a few times as well. Someone kept telling me that 'Nova doesn’t track interest but hard to imagine. But I assume someone with SAT’s in the 1300’s and visited 3 times may win out over someone with higher numbers and not showing interest. And plenty on the thread with numbers in the 1300’s or low 1400’s and lower GPAs were getting in or deferred. I know it’s not all about the numbers but that was an odd one. Someone also said to apply ED, but as mentioned on this thread those people obviously have no money concerns and are willing to pay $70k. If my daughter does get into NU she has a chance at $30k scholarship through NHRP, so that is the only way it becomes reasonable.

@gle4766 Care to share your numbers? Thanks.

@klossyy Congrats! Maybe you had a very strong essay? I thought my daughter did too. Maybe they know she wasn’t going anyway - ha ha!

@tbrixton Thank you! But who knows haha the college app process is so crazy! but best of luck to your daughter! she sounds like a great student with a bright future ahead of her :slight_smile:

Yeah michigan has denied a lot of the kids that got into Yale from my school, Villanova is probably doing the same sort of thing.

Sorry if I’m missing it but are decisions for EA starting to roll out?

@BobbyFeet No

not that I know of

I was really hoping it would come out today. If it doesn’t come out tomorrow then I think we’ll know it’s next week