Northeastern University 2019 EA

Do you guys know if Northeastern yield protects?

Does anyone know if financial aid, scholarship, and honors college offers come out at the same time as EA decisions? (Or if not, when they do come out?)

@mathmomvt The admissions offer will indicate if offered the honors program. It will also include any merit aid and need based aid. The latter only if all documentation has been received by the priority date. Otherwise need based aid would be announced later.

@TomSrOfBoston what is the priority date for EA?

@St678557 for EA 12/1
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I have a friend who applied early action and she received an acceptance one week ago

You’re sure it was Early Action? Early Decision came out last week.

Positive which is why I’m alittle confused

@Spark130 Your friend is mistaken. All EA decisions are released on the same day in January. She had to have applied ED.

No one got into Norheastern EA yet.

Thanks @TomSrOfBoston – we did get all our finaid forms in by the priority date, so it’s great that we’ll get everything all at once, and in time to make our February vacation plans for which schools to (re)visit.

If they’re asking for financial aid verification, does that mean I got in? I know they use an application separate from admissions so just wondering.

No. Financial Aid and Admissions run separate tracks. Have received financial inquiries before from schools to which my kids were rejected.

If your friend was accepted, it was ED. Even so, ED decisions came out on the 5th, which is not “one week ago” from your post. EA decisions will come out mid January. Last year they were released on the 18th.

@TomSrOfBoston I got my CSS and FAFSA in before the deadline but i haven’t uploaded my w2 to the IDOC account. Will the financial aid application still be considered complete by the deadline?

@sfruhling Interviews for Northeastern are typically legacies only and not very important. I have never heard of a phone interview.

Does anyone know when EA decisions will come out?

s1, 11, 15, 28, 33 above @St678557

Any chance that they will be out in early January you think? @BrooklynRye

@St678557 Incredibly unlikely