Northeastern University 2019 EA

when is it coming out for EA applicants?

Most people think around January 18th. (That was last year’s date)

's 1, 11, 15, 28, 33, 39 above, and #41 below, and

BrooklynRye, what are these numbers? what do they mean

@Cholo19 I think it’s the number of each comment that addresses when decisions are likely to be released

There is a lot of talk about mass deferrals for EA due to a sense that applicants in this category with top academic stats are really targeting higher-ranked schools. EA, as opposed to ED, indicates that NEU is not truly first choice, but rather a backup. The problem is that, for those of us concerned with costs, we are afraid to commit ED for fear our merit/need based aid will not be sufficient. So even if NEU is a first choice, the best we can apply is EA. Any thoughts on making this clear to the adcom? Perhaps through our regional admissions counselor? Thanks!

That could be the case but any EA applicant that got into their ED school will have withdrawn their application before NEU releases its EA results…so hopefully that will temper the mass deferral possibility.

Great point, VPA. Doesn’t totally blunt the sense that NEU may still not be the true first choice, e.g., I can wait on my Ivy for RD post-deferral, but does make me feel a bit better.

@BrooklynRye Hang in there :slight_smile: it’s a brutal process!

@vpa2019 - You are quite right, my friend. At this point I think a lot of parents tend to machinate too much, myself included. The fact is that my son is a very strong candidate for NEU. Probably just time to take a deep breath and allow the cards to fall as they may. Thank you.

I know my ECs and SAT scores are not great but I wanted somw input

Decision Plan : EA

Major(s) of Interest: Mathematics and business dual major

Location: (State and or Country) TX

Gender: M

Race/Ethnicity: Asian - Korean

GPA: (UW and Weighted) 3.85 / 5.001

AP or IB: Calc BC, Physics I and II, Macroeconomics, Government, Environmental Science, Chemistry, Statistics, Language and Composition, World History, Comp Sci, Human Geography

Class Rank: about 14 - 15% out of 368 students (no rank)

Test Scores: (SAT, ACT, or SAT 2’s) 1440 ( eng: 650 math: 790 really unbalanced) math II: 800 math I: 740

Extra Curricular, Community Service, or Co-Curricular(s):
Mu Alpha Thet (math NHS)
Nepal refugee (english teacher)
Unicef club
Math tutor in school
Math UIL
Orchestra (all 4 years)
Soccer (only freshman year)
Mock ACT/SAT administerator (volunteer)
Honor roll 10th
Currently all As (senior year)
Few work experiences and more volunteer activities

If you apply for EA to Northeastern and then decide you wanted to apply ED, can you actually switch your application from EA to ED2? Is there any advantage or disadvantage to doing this?

@traceyfruit You could email admissions and ask to do it if you wanted. ED can provide a minimal advantage but should be considered very carefully given the nature of ED.

@traceyfruit - In any case, I assume you mean ED2, with a deadline to switch over by January 1st. Interesting that some schools get back to EA candidates before the end of the year, allowing for a switch-over to ED2 prior to January 1. Think this is an interesting strategy and not sure why NEU doesn’t implement. Also, not sure of the weight of ED2 as compared with ED1, but imagine Pengs or TomSr may have some data. Good luck!

Does Northeastern typically accept a lot of NUin students during the EA round?

Chances for acceptance at Northeastern?

IB Predicted: 39 (hard subjects)
SAT/ACT: Not Required

Excellent CommonApp essay and EC’s
Hopefully good Recs (not allowed to see them)

I’m not too credible but I would say you seem like a match. @prad14

Does anyone know when they will release the decisions??

s1, 11, 15, 28, 33 and 41 above and counting @cw2001

Does northeastern give NUin acceptances during EA?