Northeastern University 2019 EA

Edit: im so so sorry I didn’t look closely that was the tweet from last year??

What Twitter account? Not on @NUAdmissions

Yeah its not out yet

@J1234567890 I saw that same tweet earlier and freaked out lol it’s all good no worries

I’m nervous!!!

Might not even come out today :frowning:

To be honest I’m guessing it wont be today now


I guess we’ll try again now

Yup, nothing at 5 (md)

Nothing in NJ

I’m just annoyed that they didn’t do it today because they’ve usually always done it today (Thursday of this week) in the past

nothing in north carolina

nothing in MA

Nothing in California :frowning:


Does this mean they’re not coming out today at all?

prob not

I have a feeling it’ll come out at 7:02 PM tonight because last year it came out at exactly 7:02pm on the thursday of this week and ED decisions for this year also came out at 7:02pm exactly…that’s just my guess but who knows… it may not come out at all today ):

Nothing yet from 20 min outside of Boston