Northeastern University 2019 EA

Nope, in NY so I should be the first wave. Guess we’ll wait until 5 and if not, next week…

Nothing for me so far :confused:

Not today then. They would send them between 3-4, so it must be next week

Nothing on Admission’s Twitter feed. Last year they tweeted before release

Nothing from New Jersey

Where did you hear these times? I checked the ED forum for this year and there was no talk on there about decisions being out until after 7pm. It could easily still be today.

We always have Friday, Pink!

does anyone know when decisions were released in 2017

@mountainmama19 I read through last year’s EA forum. Plus @TomSrOfBoston said earlier that EA and RD decisions are released between 3-4 in hourly waves.

Last year the admissions twitter tweeted around 5 and said decisions would be posted all night

i heard there’s been an influx of finaid documents being sent in today. this could cause a delay but there’s still a high probably it’s today

@mountainmama19 Tweet from Admissions for ED I is tagged at 4:02 pm. Assuming that’s CT as I’m in the Midwest. So could still happen today

@kaygall18 I think with Northeastern, their release times have been all over the place for every notification every year. I don’t really think we can trust any of that and immediately assume it’s not today because its not out by 4. All of this is speculation of course and it easily could be coming next week, but I don’t think we should assume that just yet.

@mountainmama19 i agree! like who knows, maybe they’ll come out at 4:30 or 5 this year!

They tweeted out about 10 minutes ago that they have begun releasing EA decisions


No they didn’t, don’t trust that.

What twitter account @J1234567890

I didn’t see anything on twitter

Where did you see that tweet?