Northeastern University 2019 EA

@St678557 They do, though not as many as RD in my experience.

Does anyone know Northeastern’s EA deferral and reject rates?


Unfortunately those numbers aren’t commonly released. I can say that from past years deferrals are very common and absolutely not a soft rejection. I’m hoping to informally collect some stats this year to help in future years. Also working on a large FAQ and summaries on co-op and for people, hopefully all ready within the next few weeks :slight_smile:

@PengsPhils Awesome thank you! I’d be happy to contribute my stats to the data if you would like.


All you have to do is post results in the EA/RD/whatever thread is appropriate and I’ll do the rest! That’s the plan anyway, no one demand my head if it’s procrastinated :slight_smile:

Can someone chance me for EA?

About Me:
Sex: M
From: Public HS in New York
Race: Caucasian

SAT: 1490
Subject Tests: Bio - 700
Rank: School doesn’t rank
GPA: 3.86 UW, 4.12 W (A+ = 4.0, A = 3.8, A- = 3.6, etc)
AP Scores: Euro: 5, Lang: 4, APUSH: 4, Bio: 4, Psych: 4


  • 10 AP’s total (1 SY, 4 JY, 5 SY). School doesn’t have honors. Accelerated in math and science
  • Straight A’s in high school (one A-, mostly A’s, a few A+’s)


  • 2 Varsity sports
  • Marching band
  • VP of Language Honor Society
  • Diversity club
  • Member of National Honor Society
  • A lot of volunteer work (church, little league baseball umpire, nursing home)
  • Paid work over the summer


  • AP Scholar with Distinction
  • National Honor Society


  • Worked for my school over the summer

I’m sorry if the following questions are already answered, but I can’t sit here for ten minutes and wait for these slow pages to load lol. Anybody know if you are accepted NUin if you get any say as to where you spend your first semester? Thanks in advance and happy new year to all!

@finn1313 You choose from whichever NUIn location you want. Not all majors are available at all locations though. Also some locations fill up before the deadline.

Was the class of 2022 overenrolled?


The incoming freshman class in 2017 was overenrolled, last year was not as far as I’m aware. 2017 was a very common over enrollment year, which then sparked dramatic acceptance rate decreases for the 2017-2018 college cycle.

Note: Given that 5 years is very common at Northeastern due to co-op patterns, I tend to use incoming years to mark classes.

@PengsPhils wondering if you have seen enrollment numbers from Fall 2018 class? I have not seen them posted anywhere…which is odd, so it makes me wonder what NEU is hiding. Seems maybe higher Nuin enrollments were used? I’m only basing that on hearing that s9methihg like 100 nuin kids coming back to Boston for January are being housed at 1110 Comm this month… or maybe fewer kids are copping further from campus? They also had the ContiNUe program and seemingly other new starter programs this past Fall.

Also wondering if you have heard of any new upgrades to the honors program… since Scholars ended with Fall 2016, they said they would be revamping honors but it doesn’t seem like there’s been any significant changes…

@twicemama I don’t have any numbers, just going off the campus housing situation, where freshman (non had no housing issues this year compared to 2016. kids this year getting 1110 Comm is likely still due to that over enrollment in 2017. kids are placed often in second year and above housing, which is the year of the overenrolled class. Unfortunately an over enrollment is an event that has effects for the class over the course of all years, and is why acceptance rates are dropping fast with more waitlist use in 2018 compared to 2017, and likely also this year, though still limited.

IMO I don’t think anything is going to happen with Honors anytime soon. Top schools tend not to have honors programs at all so I wouldn’t be surprised to see it eventually phased out.

@PengsPhils do you have any info on NU’s need-aware admission process? my family demonstrates a lot of financial need and I am concerned it may affect my admissions decision (you can check my stats on one of my previous posts).

@spoole16180 are you from the US? If so NU is need blind

@collegemom9 I do not think NEU is need blind. They do say they’ll meet demonstrated need but that is based on their formula…(as is common with many campuses.) Unless they’ve recently changed this policy, I think they are need aware. They do offer the NU promise, which guarantees your FA package will not change over 8 semesters which is fairly unique, even if your income goes up.

@spoole16180 All anyone can say is that Northeastern is need aware - in the end you just have to hope for the best. I can tell you though that my FAFSA EFC was around 5K and I was lucky enough to get an amazing FA package. Packages vary - Northeastern is about the median in FA friendliness between say NYU (bad) and Ivies (amazing). That said, need hasn’t seemed to have had any drastic effects on admissions rates as far as I’ve seen, though I’m sure there are small effects. In the end, there’s a giant pool of money X - some goes to scholarships, some go to need based aid, and they distribute it as best as they can.

As mentioned, packages are great if you get a good once since the Northeastern promise means tuition scales and aid won’t be taken away from you in future years.

Best of luck!

Northeastern is listed on every list I’ve come across as a need blind school. Please cite the source for that NU is need aware.

@collegemom9 The Northeastern website does not state that they are need blind.

@collegemom9 NU has a very small per student endowment (roughly $30K) so they are definitely considering who can pay vs. who needs financial aid.

Again, it’s listed as one of the 100 schools that are need blind so in the absence of information that points otherwise I am going with Northeatasern as need blind. They are on every need blind list I’ve ever seen. I would call their financial aid office to confirm.