Northeastern University 2019 EA

Likely not, two very different processes in terms of scale and timing.

it seems like you’re asking a ton of speculative questions that don’t really make any difference in the end. Just relax!

so much anxiety I wish they at least gave a date for EA

I got an email telling me to confirm my email and that decisions are coming out before Feb. 1st. Does this mean anything and/or did other people get this email?

i also received this email


I have not recieved the email yet is that a bad sign?

Didn’t receive the email, but status checker tells me the same thing.

yeah same for me

I’ve been in touch with my regional admissions counselor so know I am in there…lol

do you think its by major maybe? my two friends who got it were both pharmacy majors

Electrical Engineering here. Have no idea. Not particularly worried. Figure we are probably within 2 weeks of heaeither way… :o)

yeah that’s true

@7T01R01 - Just received the email confirmation. It’s just a form letter. No link to confirm or anything.

@BrooklynRye lucky that your admissions counselor is nice like that, mine took forever to respond and gave me the most simple and basic response back.

Chances for Northeastern University EA class of 2023:

College of Science
Weighted GPA: 4.1
Unweighted GPA: 3.85
Class Rank: 65 / 375
ACT: 32 composite / 34 superscore
8 AP’s: (Calc AB / Psych / Enviro / Lit / APUSH / Bio / Lang / Geo)

Captain of Dance Company
President of National Honors Society of Dance Arts
NHS Club Member
HOSA-Future Health Professionals Club Member
Emergency Medical Training course + ride alongs with fire department
Part-time job at local restaurant
Volunteer at Eye Care Clinic (100+ hours)
Student Council
Founder of HS and Junior HS Food Pantry

I wrote to him about a particular concern relating to a theme discussed on this thread – mass deferrals of top academic candidates in the EA category. thinking that such applicants are not really targeting NEU as their first choice. Sometimes, maybe even often, this is a financial decision. We cannot afford to commit ED without knowing the financial package first. Doesn’t mean NEU is not 1st choice, but finances can (sadly) impact that decision.

@dancejosie - Lol! You have almost exactly my academic stats, including the ACT split. I lean a bit more STEM, e.g., robotics and computer science, but we could be fraternal twins. So I’m gonna say you will 100% get in! Good luck!

If you didn’t receive the email, you may want to make sure your email address is correct on the portal.

EA decisions came out January 15 last year. My friend who is enrolled there currently informed me

I think it’s very likely you’ll be accepted