Northeastern University 2019 RD

How many people get off the waitlist?

As a note to people watching along without a decision yet, decisions in the Northeast / NY / NJ tend to be more competitive. I am in the process of crunching data on that from EA and am hoping to use data posted here to complete that set and have it available for next year’s admissions cycle.

Decision : Rejected
SAT/ACT (Superscore): 1360 (pretty low compared to others)
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 3.8 UW / 4.72 W
State/Country: PA
Major: Criminal Justice and Psychology
Did you apply for FA?: Yes
Honors/NMF/etc?: I received honors my all 4 years of high school and was in NHS and NAHS (not sure if this is what honors means)
Extracurricular: I lead many clubs on the board and was involved in many activties
Ap: 6 Ap’s

my “thankyou for applying to neu” message has dissapeared???

I had a 30 ACT, 44/45 IB prediction had applied early and got deferred and now rejected… Northeastern was my safety school… I already got into U of michigan.

it did for me too, but I’m in the Midwest so not sure if it means anything

@Acortez122 The waitlist hasn’t been used much in past years but Northeastern was overenrolled 2 years ago and have used a more conservative approach the last 2 cycles. I would not bank on the waitlist being used but this appears to be more common based on the CC sample set so far this year. Assume it’s low for now, but it’s not impossible.

Decision (and if deferred EA): Rejected (Deferred EA)
SAT/ACT (Superscore): 1490
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 96 UW / 98.5 W
State/Country: NY
Major: History and Political Science
Did you apply for FA?: Yes

@prouddad2020 Northeastern is looking to admit students who are not using the school as a safety. According to the Common Data Set “Showing Interest” is considered. How they measure that is not publicized.

Decision: Denied
SAT: 1430
GPA: 3.5 UW / 4.2 W
State: CT
Major: Electrical Engineering
Did you apply for FA? Yes
Honors/NHF/etc?: No

Ok the past messages suddenly reappeared on my page… weird

Did anyone else get accepted into the study abroad for the first semester program?

does northeastern admit by major (are some more competitive than others to get into) or does it not matter?

Decision: Accepted
SAT/ACT : SAT - 1480
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 4.0 (school does not do UW or W)
State/Country: International
Major: Finance
Did you apply for FA?: No
Honors/NMF/etc?: Lots of extracurriculars and community service. Great teacher recommendations.

Decision: Denied
SAT: 1450
GPA: 3.8 UW / 4.2 W
State: NJ
Major: CS
Did you apply for FA? No
Honors/NHF/etc?: No

Decision: Accepted
ACT: 35
GPA: 4.1 W
State: NJ
Major: Enviro Eng
FA?: Nope
Honors: Some research stuff, few clubs and leadership things

Good luck to future kiddos!

my messages reappeared too!!!

@goosee Yes

Decision: Accepted
SAT: 1550
GPA: 4.5 W
State: NJ
Major: Biochemistry
FA? 20k Dean Scholarship, 6K Loan

Decision: Rejected
ACT: 32
GPA: 3.7UW / 4.1W
State: NY
Major: Health Science