Northeastern University 2019 RD

Decision (and if deferred EA): Deferred EA, rejected RD
SAT/ACT (Superscore): 34
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 3.95 UW, 4.6 W
State/Country: South Carolina
Major: Behavioral Neuroscience
Did you apply for FA?: No
Honors/NMF/etc?: Lots of leadership in ECs.
Honestly not that surprised. I showed no interest even after being deferred. They probably had tons more applicants with the same stats as me who made it clear they actually wanted to go to Northeastern.

Decision (and if deferred EA): rejected RD
SAT/ACT (Superscore): 31
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info):
State/Country: United Kingdom
Major: Politics, Philosophy, Economics
Did you apply for FA?: no
Honors/NMF/etc?: Won a lot of Political/Debate awards etc. Nationally. Gap year student with international political internships.

I didn’t get a normal rejection letter though, I got admission into some school northeastern owns in London called the New College of the Humanities (NCH)?? Did anyone else get this?? Also what is the acceptance rate looking like this year?

Decision: Differed EA ACCEPTED! w Deans scholarship
ACT: 33
GPA W: 4.29
State/Country: Florida
Major: Biology
Did you apply for FA?: Yes
Recs: Good
Essay: Really strong
Extracurriculars: Good

what is the usual number of applicants for NU?

@collegebritgirl8 You did not get NU In?

It’s 4:56 so maybe west coast soon

omg california might come out in 4 minutes and im SHAKING

Traditionally, what are chances of getting picked off of the Wait List?

I got accpeted but as an NUin admit, but I don’t want to do that soo, is it an option for me to be a regular student?

@gracestar8 what state are you from?

@gracestar8 No, you must do NU In.

Decision: rejected RD
SAT: 1430
GPA W: 4.5
State/Country: WA
Major: cultural anthropology
FA?: Yes
Letters of rec: probably pretty good
Essay: 9 / 10
Extracurriculars: good and unique, i was an exchange student & have volunteered w them for over 200 hrs as well as many other clubs & a 20/hr week job

mainly disappointed because i don’t know any other schools with a specific cultural anthro program, and that’s really what i wanted to study : ((

@twicemama 40k total, 10k/year. Though 40k/year certainly would’ve been generous haha

Decision (and if deferred EA): Didn’t apply EA, ACCEPTED for RD!!
SAT/ACT (Superscore): 33, only took once. Didn’t officially send my SAT but i had it in common app of 1460 (yikes).
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): UW: 3.86/4 W: 4.06 (my school is really competitive and grades kinda harsh)
State/Country: Georgia, USA
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Did you apply for FA?: Yes. good money anddd a scholarship!
Honors/NMF/etc?: Lot of science fair wins. Georgia Governors honors program… 14 AP’s all together? nothing like major. I am a girl going into mechanical engineering so that may have helped. TONS of internships and extracurriculars with leaderships although they were mainly in art except mech eng research at Georgia Tech (where i was recently rejected haha).

Completely surprised?? Showed no interested other than signing up for the emailing list… didnt apply early… not the strongest application and my stats aren’t amazing. I opened the decision trying to not act like i cared bc i thought it would be a rejection for sure.

Congrats everyone who got accepted!

Waitlisted LMAO

SAT: 1490
GPA: 4.5
Major: Neuroscience
FA?: No
Letters of Rec: Great
Essay: 8.5/10
Extracurriculars: Very unique

Not mad tbh. Got into a better school than Northeastern AND it would b too expensive anyways hehe… Good luck to everyone else :slight_smile: !



ACT: 34
GPA: 4.2
Major: Architecture
Letters of Rec: Strong
Essay: 9/10
Extracurriculars: Strong

I also don’t care ^^^^, got into a better school. And I don’t think this weird year is indicative of any of my other applied colleges.

@kaygall18 I was accepted RD after being deferred EA. Didn’t send a midyear report or anything. Not sure why

Accepted RD to Bouve College of Health Sciences!!!

ACT: 34
GPA: 3.94 UW. (My school doesn’t weigh gpa)
State: Missouri
Major: Health Science
Letters of Rec: pretty strong
Essay: 8/10
EC: Very strong. (Was concertmaster of the National Youth Orchestra of the United States of America, National Chemistry Olympiad Finalist)

I’m very surprised I got in, considering that I didn’t show much interest in Northeastern, and considering that this is a very difficult school to be accepted into.


GPA: 4.7 W/ 9APs/ 100 service hours
Major: Management
Letters of Rec: Very Strong/AP Teachers
Essay: 8/10
AP Art Portfolio