Northeastern University 2020 EA

DC did. Also does everyone have lines test results for AP and Additional College transcripts both due 6/30 in thei checklist on the status page?

Yes, the test results for AP and additional college transcript deadlines of 6/30 have been there at the bottom of the checklist for quite a while, though - at least a month or more.

My daughter was accepted ED and I think they put the test score item at the bottom for all applicants.

I am waiting for someone to find a hack to see who got in because someone always does lmao

me too lol
 hopefully decisions come out this Wednesday but I doubt it.

hi! i’m from arkansas and northeastern is my top school, absolutely terrified to get my decision

What are your stats? I bet your being from Arkansas will help you. Most colleges brag about how they have students from all 50 states (or almost).

Alright I am so stressed about this decision ngl. Good luck to everyone!

Praying for a decision either mid this week or the next, not sure I can wait any longer.

Hi guys, am currently applying to Northeastern early action and am extremely nervous, this and BU are my top choices. What do you think my chances are?

4.65 weighted gpa, 4.0 unweighted
class rank 18/491 (about 120 are IB kids)
have taken 5 AP classes, and am in the IB program
1490 SAT
34 ACT (what i submitted)

SGA (10-12), class historian 10&11 and executive historian this year
Math honor society Mu Alpha Theta (9-12), do tutoring through the club
Horseback riding (6-12)
Volunteered at public library (10&11) and now have been working there 10-20 hrs/week for a year
Currently volunteer at a thrift store

Do you think my chances are any good, or should I expect deferment/rejection?

I’d say the only thing you’d have to worry about is Northeastern thinking that they’re a safety school for you. My brother had the same ACT score and was weightlisted a few years ago when he applied RD (he got in off the waitlist and goes there now), so I think that would be the biggest concern. They definitely won’t think you’re not good enough, though! Good luck :slight_smile:

Never has happened with the Northeastern decisions.

Bay Area of CA here. I follow half a dozen college “results” threads and my observation is that NEU applicants are by far the most neurotic! What’s that about? Maybe I’m more chill cuz I’ve already gotten into my three other EA schools but NEU is def one of my top choices. More than likely we’ll see EA acceptances next Wednesday or Thursday so just try to relax and know wherever you go you’ll have a great experience.

@losername Apparently you haven’t followed the Boston Univerity RD threads the last 2 cycles. There are 40 pages of speculation about what minor changes on the admission portal may indicate about the decisions.

 I guess it must be a Boston thing! ; )

BostonPossibly, my guess is that you have a really good chance. Your grades, test scores, class rank, etc. are completely in the zone.

 are decisions coming out today?

I really hope so, we find out at 4

What he said^. Also can somebody post previous years EA release dates. Thx

from what i’ve seen its been either today or the 23rd most years