Northeastern University 2021 EA

expecting the worse, hoping for the best lol

Wait really? So West Coast later?

Is having to log in twice each time a good or bad thing?

probably neither but in my mind logging in once is better because it used to be twice before today

Every time I’ve had to do it twice but right now i only had to do it once.

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It may mean that your decision is about to come out


yah same now that i think about it that’s super weird! must mean something why else would that happen!

look at the very first post, it shows the usual break down of the waves of release by geography

Read the first post by Pengs. He states all the times that it comes out.

im west coast nothing here so idk

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i live in the midwest, but i hope so :frowning:

ED decisions came out at 4:00 PST (7:00 EST) is it possible that will happen again?


That’s been the bug always on NE site . Login twice lol

Ah I see. So mine will probs be out later

historically, they always release EA in waves.

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I am in Nh and nothing here.

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Maine, nothing here…

ah so later for west coast?