Northeastern University 2021 EA

How competitive would the engineering school be for a student from the midwest? northeastern is my top school and I couldn’t make the ED commitment unfortunately so realllllly hoping today works in my favor!!

Did they come out for anyone?

no but its taking longer than normal to get onto the portal


Nope. and no tweet. So I doubt it’s today.


no but i will say that i do only have to click “login” once instead of twice like I usually do…
i know it means nothing but I will be reading into this lol


Likely because everyone is checking.


it might come out a few minutes after the hour. i think thats what happens usually

the portal is soo slow rn
we’re all so anxious :frowning:

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i did notice that! we might be reading into it but it’s still something lol

It is Inauguration Day so maybe it will come out a little later than normal like 5:30 or something cuz Biden just walked into the White House so it’s still a bit attention on that.

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i really dont think its today at this point but part of me is going to hold onto hope with the rest of u


yeah when I’ve watched some college decision videos they’ve mentioned something along the lines of “oh! I only had to sign in once instead of twice!”
so i think this is a sign

I’m thinking next Wednesday. Lots of schools have pushed back their decision dates


I agree.

damn really?!! so weird that u normally have to sign in twice tho haha dont get why

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Since like last week I’ve had to sign in twice each time.

i think they’ll be out. if it’s not in the next ten minutes you guys are right

Im going to wait and if it’s not within the hour I assume it’ll be next Wednesday.

Remember that only NE is released right now. The rest are released later in the day. Give it a little time.

anyone else in class lmao im completely not paying attention