Northeastern University 2021 EA

Decision: Accepted into the program
SAT/ACT: Test optional
GPA: 3.83 UW 4.6 W
State: IL
Major: Health and Business Administration
Did you apply FA? Yes
EC: Founder/Leader Cricket club, Geo club Leader, MUN, and etc, good EC

I am so happy I got in!


Does anyone know if Northeastern ā€œcombinesā€ financial aid with merit aid? I havenā€™t received my FA offer yet because I had a document missing, but I was accepted with a $30k/year scholarship. According to their NPC, my family qualifies for around $30k/year in grant aid. Would this be a total grant of $60k/year or would my merit aid replace a financial aid grant and they would only give me $30k total? If anyone received both merit aid and financial aid in the form of a grant, Iā€™d love to know what your letter says! Thank you in advance :blush:


While the odds are long to get in during RD (with all of the ED admits, the RD admit percentage is going to be so low), what is the harm is waiting and seeing? You have an amazing opportunity in the bag with Georgetown. You donā€™t have to commit to them until you hear from NU in RD. If you are truly torn, wait and see what happens. If you just want it over with (which I would understand, but caution against) or think you prefer Georgetown, put your deposit down on Georgetown. If you prefer NU, wait and seeā€¦worst case is you are going to an amazing school either way.

There is a Facebook pageā€¦

(Resisted making the joke that you should Google for itā€¦:slight_smile: )

where did NU say that you had this option? I just got into NUin tonight and was curious how students who didnā€™t feel safe traveling would accept their admission.

Yes, you can get both. My daughter received one letter that outlined her grant (enough to get us down to about our EFC), and there was a second letter with the scholarship amount. It took us a minute to realize they were in addition to each other. Not to jinx it, but Iā€™d say you are in great shape.


Thatā€™s great, thank you so much for your help!

To any admitted student: Does it say your MyNortheastern profile is already created on your checklist? Mine says it has been but I havenā€™t even done anything?

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Letter of Continued Interest and maybe send an email to your AO about how NEU is still one of your top choices. I got deferred too but we got this :)))

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I have!

Think of it this way: From your second semester until you are done with NU, you are there ā€œnormallyā€. And with co-ops, that could be 9 more semesters. So Fall 2021 starts out a little weird? Many (most?) seem to love it. The way kids come and go from campus with co-ops and the such, I donā€™t think it will hinder making friends (which you will make with NUin kids). If you want NU, go for NUin.

How did you create one?

Hello all! This is my first post because I felt it was important to share my info for next yearā€™s applicants!

Decision: admitted in N.Uin program and offered Dean Scholarship
SAT/ACT: test-optional but sent in AP Test scores (AP Lang- 5, AP Psych- 5, APUSH- 4)
GPA: 4.0/4.4
State/Country: Southern California
Major: interdisciplinary major of Health Science & Psychology at BouveĢ College of Health Sciences.
Did you apply for FA?: no

I have taken eight AP courses (Ap Psychology, AP US History, AP English Language, AP Computer Science Principles, AP Biology, AP US Government, AP US Economy, AP English Literature).
Straight A student and on honor roll.
Lots of leadership ecā€™s

Good luck to all those who were deferred, I was also deferred from a lot of schools (UChicago, Georgetown, Tulane etc.) this college admissions season (is that a term lol) and hopefully other schools will have good news (UMich and Villanova this week, we got this!). Congrats to all that got in. Stay safe!!

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It is my understanding that you canā€™t ā€œchange your admissionā€ from NUin to regular (if that is what you mean). Many (most?) people end up loving NUin. It is just one semester out of what for many (most?) is 10 semesters. The way kids come and go for co-ops, it isnā€™t as weird of a thing to ā€œmissā€ an on-campus semester at NU. You could make a lot of friends through NUin, and then more when you get to campus a few months later.

Congrats!! You should be very proud.

Well I will say that the student with lower stats is high income and does not qualify for financial need

thank you!! hopefully we are both accepted RD good luck!

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Decision: Deferred
SAT/ACT: 1420 / 33
GPA: 3.95 UW 4.55 W
State: NC
Major: Sociology and Political Science
Did you apply FA? Yes
EC: Study Body President, National Chinese Honor Society President, foreign exchange in China, Beta Club, Model UN, board of education student rep, part-time job, state leadership award

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How do I deal with a counselor that doesnā€™t answer my emails, ever?

Acceptance letter, 5th paragraph describes the 3 NUIn options: abroad, Boston and remote. I am thinking all options have the higher tuition because they are all technically NUIn??