Northeastern University 2021 EA

I got into the same program with university honors scholarship. Is dean’s scholarship more money? It is still very expensive for me. I am trying to see if it’s worth the cost of the school. Please give me your thoughts.

thanks! yeah, it definitely made Fordham my top choice, and especially now that I got deferred from northeastern.

He was saying the fordham honors program, I got into the Lincoln centre one which is 18-20 people from the entire freshman student body

My Daughter got admitted to NUIN; Bioengineering
3.9uw/4.13 W
32 ACT
10 APs + Honours
Good ECs

She has been offered approx $2k in FA.

Do you know if we can request more? do they typically entertain such requests?
We are keen on NU, it has been one of her top choices…trying to see if we can get her in without busting our back

It could be called the same scholarship but they will give everyone different money. It really depends on the person on how much they get for each scholarship. I got the same scholarship but didn’t get much either but the money given really depends and changes. I agree, I didn’t get enough money to cover the extreme tuition of the school.

Decision: Accepted!
SAT/ACT: 1460 single-sitting, 1500 superscore
GPA: 4.0 UW (my school doesn’t have weighted), IB predicted 40/42 (not counting bonus)
State/Country: american but living in europe (not counted as int’l student)
Major: Undecided lol
Did you apply for FA?: Yes
EC’s: they’re good but nothing spectacular

I didn’t end up with any merit scholarships but received a FA grant… it’s still really expensive though :confused: Does anyone know how they feel about appealing for additional aid?

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can any admitted student answer my question. On your checklist, does it say your myNortheastern profile has already been created when you haven’t even done anything regarding it yet?


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I had a 1560 sat, 4.56 weighted GPA

Is getting accepted into NU in essentially better or worse than just getting in? Or neither?

My D says that and she didn’t create one.

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Send it to admissions officer and ask them to add it to your file. you can pdf in an email.

have her add some accomplishments since her application was submitted. (grades, ec’s etc)

Decision: Accepted
SAT/ACT: Did not submit
GPA: 4.0 UW, 4.2 W (4 APs, 3 Honors)
State/Country: California
Major: Data Science
Did you apply for FA?: No
EC’s: Student Body Leadership, 4 year varsity sport
Dean Scholarship $10K annually

I’m a parent of a 2nd year who did and one that just got in as well. I think the perception is that if a student gets into that there must be a stat that’s deficient (test score or GPA.) I think that can be true, but is not always true. There can be other factors why a candidate is offered

For instance, I think if you’re not requesting financial aid and expressed interest in that there is a higher likelihood that you will placed into that program regardless of stats. From a University standpoint it makes a lot of sense to do so.

A number of students on this board were placed into yet received a merit scholarship, as my son did, which I think validates that is not just filled with marginal candidates.

On a separate note, my son loved his experience and wouldn’t trade it in for anything. He made a strong group of friends and started his first COOP this term (as did his core group of friends from, which he attained within a few weeks of interviewing. I mention this to debunk any notion that students are behind in any way if they take the path.


If any admitted students that are strongly considering attending NU want to join a group chat to get to know each other/ask any questions, DM me on instagram! mine is s.ullm :blush:


Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply!
I was accepted to NUin for Environmental Engineering, and I’ve heard that for STEM majors, studying abroad in your first semester is not always the best choice. Did either of your sons by any chance do engineering, and know anything about how this would affect my experience?
Thanks again for your help.

Accepted with Dean’s Scholarship
College of science with major in chemistry
3 AP’s junior year, 5 senior year
strong EC’s including studying abroad for a month in spain, chemistry league, captain of tennis team, officer for hispanic honor society, in 3 other honor societies, etc.

Not for me…

Status: Asian Male/Kansas/Computer Science
GPA: 4.0 UW (3.9 if A- are counted as 3.7) Weighted 4.7 (4.3 if A- are counted as 3.7), Class rank: #1 for both weighted and unweighted
ACT: 35
SAT Subject test: Math II:800
no hooks
2 Clubs I’m president of I did 4 years
2 years varsity soccer, won state/regional awards
random state/regional awards in other activities
4 year volunteering project, 4 hours a week, 24 weeks a year
National Commended Scholar

My kid was deferred (engineering) with a 4.0 unweighted, a 1580 SAT, tons of engineering ECs and research. Oh well…got into Georgia Tech OOS so all is good.

Congrats to everyone who did get in and good luck to all deferred. :slight_smile: