Northeastern University 2021 EA

Decision: Accepted
GPA: 4.2 W, 10 APs and rest honors
State: FL
Major: International Business: Finance
Did you apply for FA?: no
As well, I would say my ECs were decent

do we send it like in the email itself? or as an attached PDF?

Hey so I got into NUin yesterday but they gave me a deans scholarship that just seems kind of contradictory and Iā€™m confused by it lol.

RD should be less, otherwise we double count the deferred

Lol me too

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What were your stats. I had a 1470 Sat with a 4.4 weighted GPA.

did most people who were accepted nuin, did you check the yes or no box on the common app for being interested in the program?

I would also like to hear what we as deferred students should do.

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Congratulations so was mine. My older D is 3rd year biochem at NE. One of the BEST things about NE coop besides the experience, which is amazing, is you do not pay tuition when our student is on coop!

So my D could have finished school in 4 years w 2 coops which is really 3 year of PAID school tuition.

Her first coop was July through January at Takeda working in protein lab in Cambridge. She didnā€™t pay tuition but she was in an apartment w 3 girls. So she had that expense. She could have lived home w us as we live close to Cambridge as well. many kids on coop sublet or donā€™t take even housing or meals unless their coop is close to NE.

Because she is hoping for premed, and needs clinical hours- Covid is making that a challenge. So in the end she is opting for 5 years but will have 3 coops so she can leverage NE connections and get that experience while in school.

So if your student is on coop, that coop could be in any other state/not on campus. Itā€™s up to them to interview and NE has this coop program that is like no other!! The experiences these kids have access to is what makes NE so amazing. Other kid struggle finding internships or find one or sometimes have no work experience when they graduate. These kids will have 2-3 6month jobs mostly all paid.

So kids can move around for those coops and then return to campus or stay on campus for coop. So your expenses during coop are usually housing and food.

My D made amazing money on her coop as well. Iā€™ve seen range from unpaid -$30+ an hour depending on major; and hers was full time 40 hours a week.

I am sure the Univeristy has some financial models you can look at and more info on coop. Also canā€™t say enough about the parent page on FB. The support is amazing and parents help each other w all kinds of questions and support.

My son has 7 more schools to hear from and I hope he ends up at NE. He does love the school. I just Hope he sees the true value vs thinking perhaps he has to do something different. Good luck


My daughter received a grant which brought the cost down to within about $2k of what their NPC said our cost would be. Then she got a $10k/year scholarship, and the end result is $8k/year below our NPC amount.

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Thank you so much. That is really helpful!

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I checked the ā€œnoā€ box in CommonApp (I was curious so I verified it this morning lol). However, under the ā€œactivitiesā€ section, it looks like I checked ā€œAsiaā€ for the Study Abroad Location and ā€œInternational Co-Opā€ for global opportunities. So perhaps they saw that I selected those options and decided to admit me into that program?

Decision: Accepted into
SAT/ACT: Did not submit (1340)
GPA: 3.7-3.8
State/Country: NH/United States
Major: Biology
Did you apply for FA?: Yes (got an unsubsidized loan and Deanā€™s Scholarship)

Do I have a smaller chance of getting in because I had to apply regular decision?

Decision: accepted into honors program with 24k merit scholarship
SAT/ACT: 35 in one sitting, national merit semifinalist, 800 on sat math2
GPA: 3.8uw with no weighted courses offered
State: il (chicago area)
Major: ppe
Did you apply FA?: Yes (additional 5k in need aid given)
Other: lots of ECs related to major including research and national leadership positions, stellar letters of rec (one from research advisor too), didnā€™t have any demonstrated interest

Thanks for sharing. Greatly appreciate it!

Hey Yes, Iā€™m from the Doon school. Yes, they have the IB Board. How did you guess Iā€™m from there?

Most people I know got deferredā€¦ Any idea what percentage of people got accepted/deferred/denied?

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Decision: Accepted
SAT/ACT: 1430, could only do it once bc COVID
GPA: 3.88 unweighted, 5.52 weighted
State/Country: MD
Major: Political Science
Did you apply for FA?: Yes
Other: Took 5 APs (mostly 5s, one 4), taking 4 more this year. My ECs were fine- I did them for a long time and had a couple of leadership positions but they werenā€™t really related to my major. I showed some interest- talked with admissions office about a certain program, followed up to make sure my SAT was sent, went to events- and I think that helped me a lot. Tbh I was expecting a deferral or straight rejection but Iā€™m super happy I got in, I really love Northeastern.

Decision: Accepted into program!
SAT/ACT: got cancelled 2x, but I sent 3 AP scores (all 4ā€™s on APUSH, Micro, Macro)
GPA: 3.75 UW, 4.89 W (6 APs, 5 Honors)
State: New Jersey
Major: Finance (considering switching though)
FA?: Yes (my scholarship info isnā€™t available yet though)

ECS: Two internships (one for business, one for political campaign), volunteering at hospital (also volunteered remotely, sent 100+ cards), marching band for 4 years, 4 honors societies, school spirit/mentoring/leadership/tutoring club for 3 years

Honors: AP Scholar with Honor, National Merit Commended Scholar, consistent honor roll student

I think what helped me most is that I went to a lot of virtual events and webinars. NEU really looks out for that. Congrats to everyone and best of luck to everyone in the regular pool!

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