Northeastern University 2021 EA

what about International scholarship? I was so surprised to get it, I thought that NU almost never gives scholarships to International students. Was I wrong or is it rare?

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International students have always been eligible for merit scholarships. They are not eligible for need based grants.


oh! Thank you for clarification!

20K year/80 over 4 years

Deferred EA
34 ACT
4.46 w gpa, 3.93 uw
health science major
from CA
4 years of varsity field hockey, ~200 hrs of volunteer service, 2 jobs, science olympiad, internships/shadowing

didn’t show a lot of demonstrated interest, however.

Congrats to all who have been admitted! I know some students receive scholarships, but it also seems as if many students end up paying $50-$75k / year to attend NEU. The co-op program sounds great, but do students really recoup that investment or get a much higher-quality education than if they had attended a $25k / year school? I guess I’m asking, for those that have attended NEU or are planning to, what makes attending NEU worth the cost of attendance?


Does my merit scholarship depend on whether or not I had applied for FAFSA yet? Like is it possible that they could have given me more merit aid if I applied for financial aid? And would you say it’s too late to apply?

No, merit scholarships have nothing to do with FAFSA or the CSS.

It’s worth it to me (parent) for many reasons. NEU checks all the boxes for my D (in terms of her wants, i.e. Urban, > 10,000 students, specific major, not party school, etc). And financially, it’s within what we’ve saved / budgeted. Who knows about the payback on investment - time will tell on that!

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If money is not an issue for a family, then paying full rate may seem ok esp if a child is not planning to attend med school or some other extremely expensive grad program. But in general, I do not think any undergrad program is worth paying that much for a family of average economic means. The coop program, for certain majors, can be financially valuable but not all majors have coops that pay a lot and some are even unpaid. The experience can be invaluable but I think you can find meaningful experiences at any school if the student makes the most of what is available to them. This coming from a double husky (non-full pay) mom.


One thing about the current school year. NU spent a huge amount of money for COVID testing, contact tracing, quarantine housing, etc. and has had a campus life with a 99% negative rate since the fall. Many of the colleges my son applied to did not even allow freshmen on campus and other colleges shut down campuses because they had outbreaks and no systematic testing program. NU was more expensive than some other options but my son also had a better experience.


Hey all, sorry if this has already been discussed earlier but does anyone have like a guestimate as to what EA acceptance rates were this year? Thanks!

I think around 20% excluding NUIn admits. Someone correct me if i’m wrong, but I believe the 18% overall acceptance rate last year was excluding NUIn admits (just including Fall semester admits).

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The acceptance rate in 2019 was 18%. For 2020 it was 20%. In both cases that did not include NU In acceptances.


Thank you! We really are- so excited for this next chapter for her! E
For those parents who are dealing with a sad HS senior, my oldest daughter applied ED to UPenn and was flat rejected- not deferred- for class of 2023. She truly thought that the world had ended and that the sun would not come up the next day. :disappointed:
She is now in her sophomore year at JHU and is thriving & so happy. Can’t imagine being anywhere else.
Keep the faith and stay strong- it’s a tough and emotional process but I do believe it works out 99% of the time the way that it should.


So northeastern doesn’t include NU in acceptances in their acceptance rate? Is this the same case for the 1000/1900 ed1 acceptance rate? NU in applicants weren’t included in that?

Yes it is.

Do you know their fall enrollment goal if they already filled 1000 through ED1?

Regular Boston freshman enrolment goal is 2800. Another +/-900 enter through NU In.

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