Northeastern University 2021 EA

I really doubt it’ll be that early, although i wish it was lol

I looked it up from last year, the same thing happened to deferred EA 2024 kids. Unfortunately it looks like a lot of kids whose deferral letter disappeared were either denied or waitlisted, but I am not going to assume my decision based on this, as you all should too.

So wait…did these kids from last year also have the “Congratulations You’re In!” message?? I’d find it strange if the kids who got the pre-mature “good news” were the ones ultimately rejected.

To summarize: my kid had the “you’re in!” message and now his deferral letter is totally gone.

That’s actually odd. That’s why I’m skeptical of this reasoning. I really don’t think your kid would be denied after seeing a congratulations.

They could have taken it down because you notified admissions of the glitch.
I had the deferral letter, but I did not see a congratulations, just the deferral letter. Then it completely vanished. If anything, I think that does not bode well for me.

Yeah, who knows?? :joy::joy:

I wouldn’t infer anything from the lack of the “glitch”. Sounds like it happened to such a limited number of kids it may not mean anything at all. Good luck!!!

When did decisions come out last year?

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nothing in my portal is different at all, but I applied RD

deferral letter was there this AM now it’s gone with a note saying “decision will be made by 4/1”

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yes, deferral letter vanished for my son.

My brothers deferral letter is gone but doesn’t say anything.

My letter disappeared as well… I think every letter has?

mine is no longer there as well

As a refrain from before EA decisions dropped, these portal-type changes mean nothing about decisions or the decision date, everyone relax! I’ll be making an official RD thread shortly, so standby!

Please migrate over to the RD thread everyone!

Hey, sorry just saw this! I barely got any aid (only 2.5k-ish off a year)… but this is definitely my top school and I really wanna go$

Me too :frowning: