Northeastern University 2021 EA

It didn’t happen to me! That’s so weird!

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Well let’s hope it is a sign of what’s to come!!! Ugh that has to be torture. My heart goes out to all these kids. Maybe they messed up and some things went live before they were supposed to. When are the deferred kids supposed to hear back?

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Same thing just happened to my deferred kid. So weird!

Clicked on “review deferral letter”

That brought up big red screen that said “The wait is over!!”

Clicked it and got a personalized message with his name that declared “You’re In!!”

There was a button that said “Next steps” and when he clicked it it brought him right back to the initial log in screen.

He was able to rinse and repeat the whole process a few times. :woman_shrugging:

Does it eventually go back to the “deferred” letter?

When he clicks on the link it takes him all the way back to the initial login in screen. When he re-logs in, he’s back to the usual looking portal. When he re-clicks on “view deferral letter” it happens again…big red screen…the wait is over…you’re in…

Under “You’re In!” a message pops up with a congratulations letter addressed to him from the Dean of Admissions. It essentially says welcome to the class of 2025 and the Northeastern community. It says to click the link below to view next steps and his admission documents.

But…the link logs him out and he’s back at the log-in screen.

I need to log in twice everytime Im on the portal


just tried… didn’t happen to me. hope it isn’t bad news…

I really wish I could check that, but I applied Rd. Sounds like a decision leak to me

email admissions

sounds like he’s in but they didn’t release yet. he should email admissions and print out the letter.

Ah I don’t have that glitch :frowning: I hope that isn’t bad news!

probably not. I was deferred and got in RD and I never had it.

you were already admitted?

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I think he’s just going to sit tight and be patient along with everyone else. With that being said, he printed out the congratulations message and took video of the whole strange “loop” on the computer. If he doesn’t ultimately get in on decision day he may call admissions just to confirm what happened.

Hey!! My deferral letter vanished!!! Anyone else???

Yes, just checked and the button to “view deferral letter” is now totally gone. (My S21 was the one with the weird “glitch” above)

So now we’ve gotta ask: is everyone’s deferral letter gone?

They release regular decision applicant decisions at the same time as deferred applicant decisions right?

my deferral letter seems to have disappeared as well

With all the “glitch” stuff happening, I have to say our family is getting a pretty big chuckle out of it.

When our daughter applied to northeastern a few years back she was accepted EA. Right after she was accepted, she received a very nice email from NU saying Welcome to the Honors Program! The email summarized all the wonderful benefits of NU honors and gave her a warm welcome.

A few minutes later she received another email saying “please disregard the last email; it was sent to you in error.”

At the time it wasn’t so funny but now we laugh at it. This thing with my son feels like deja vu all over again!


Could this mean the wait is almost over? March 10th is very early but it definitely could be the day. Or they could have just taken it away because people were emailing admissions about the glitch.

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