Northeastern University 2021 EA

You cannot choose NUIn. There was a question on the application regarding your openness to doing an international first semester I believe.

Thanks , Yes my son did pick that Yes with one semester of my first year abroad

The question of whether or not you would consider NUin as an option was incorporated into the common app. If you answered “yes” to considering the program, it further asked you if it was your preference.

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Is northeastern good for biomedical engineering? I applied for it but im not sure how popular of a program it is? could that help in terms of admissions?

I don’t see preference question on the coalition app. Not sure what’s the exact question. But he choose Study abroad and Europe as options

I suggest going on reddit r/neu to ask questions like this. you’ll get a quicker answer from enrolled students and alumni :slight_smile:

On the common app, the last question in the Academics section of the Northeastern General Questions asks about interest in NUin. There are three options to select: Not interested; Yes, open to considering; or Yes, that would be my preference.

Thanks , just checked Son choose second option “Yes Open to considering “ is that a good thing ?

DS applied EA and in the subsequent months has TWICE reached out on separate occasions to the admissions director with different questions, and has gotten no response. Zero. What’s up with that? Is that standard operating procedure for NE? Do they not have enough staff to answer emails from applicants?

I have also found this with my counselor— I reached out once, and my guidance counselor reached out about something else and didn’t hear back.

I also emailed my admissions counselor in November and she responded a couple of days later with a vague response and not answering my questions fully leaving me completely confused. Surprised other people are having the same issue lol

My admissions counselor responded promptly to me and was actually very helpful.

My admissions counselor (NYC) is great. She responds in a very timely manner

My guidance counselor was in touch with Northeastern and told me that they said my application was complete and they were reviewing it! They didn’t need my first quarter grades, which is what she had asked them about. I don’t know if it’s a good or bad sign. Either way, we should find out soon!

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That probably means they already reviewed it!

She said they were reviewing it! I kind of want to ask if they gave any positive indication one way or the other, but I doubt they would have.

Choose Early Action if Northeastern is a top choice—and you feel that you can put your best foot forward at this earlier date, since the Admissions Committee will not see your senior year grades or late fall standardized testing.

Honestly they’d most likely ask for your grades if you performed poorly previously and new grades could impact
your application / decision. Them not asking seems pretty good bc it shows that you’ve done well enough that they don’t need extra proof to fight for u. What’s ur gpa if u don’t mind me asking @Livvyxoxo

Yes, that’s what I thought. My school usually sends all first quarter grades though, and another school I applied to Early Action did want to see them. I also had an emergency surgery that led to the grades being lower than usual for me, so I’m glad they aren’t looking at them!

It was a 4.0 when I submitted, but I don’t have a ton of rigor so I most likely won’t get in. It’s a bit lower now I believe because I had emergency surgery so my grades were lower than I am normally capable of.