Northeastern University 2021 ED1

I’ve seen a lot changed to 12/8 and 11/10 too. Mine is 11/20 though… pretty sure it doesnt mean anything bad but it’s still making me nervous


mine has said 11/20 for quite a while. Some people on this thread haven’t even had theirs change, so maybe its just completely random.

There’s no pattern that I can discern. It seems to have happened in past years as well.

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Mine said 11/10, then changed to 11/20. Today (tonight) it changed to 12/8. So something has happened…just don’t know what!

Did results come yet

Nothing here yet.

Someone from the NEU subreddit who says they’re a tour guide mentioned that admissions told them decisions would be released on the 15th.

I’m really not hoping that’s true, I just want to know my decision as soon as possible :confused:

I doubt the tour guide would have any inside info so he/she was probably just repeating “they’ll be released by the 15th” and misspoke.



im pretty sure in previous years it has always come out the second wednesday of december and the day after the portal updates

that’s what i’m thinking, if us applicants haven’t even gotten a confirmation email saying when exactly they’ll come out, there’s no way they would tell the tour guides… right?

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so do we all think they’ll come out around 7 if tonight? also, does anyone know a lot about the program? i said that i’d consider it and would be so honored to get in, but also really want to spend my first sem in boston! can i choose to switch out of the program, or are the options if you get in to the program just doing it or not going to northeastern at all?

if you’re selected for NUin as an ED applicant, your agreement is no longer binding. So if you don’t want to do it or you’re on the fence, you can continue to apply to schools and get decisions back from them. You also can’t opt out of NUin and be a regular fall admit.

ugh i’m worried then. i wanted to really just do the standard campus routine, but i still hope i get in!

theres a nuin boston too it wont be on campus but u live in a hotel which it pretty cool

so what is the difference between in boston and going to the normal northeastern program?

I feel like I kinda ducked myself by saying I didn’t want to do NUIN

They do not rule you out for NUIN if you mark no. You will still be considered.

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My ED agreement now says 12/09, did this happen to anyone else?

So then why do they ask? For survey purposes?