Northeastern University 2021 ED2

The EA folk didn’t get the email invite to set up their account until a week after acceptance.

Did you run the NPC before you applied? That would give you an indication of how much NEU would give you. When one applies ED, the intent is that you are committed to attend.

Aaah, then once you submit that info, you will get a FA letter. If you submit soon, they are pretty good at turning it around quickly.


decision: accepted
test scores: 1480
gpa: 3.79 unweighted(my school does not weight gpa)
state: ny
major: combined economics and computer science
fa: no

Anyone know if Northeastern will rescind an ED offer if a student gets a C-? Asking for a friend…

The rule of thumb is no D’s, no F’s, no felony convictions and you will be OK. Also no sexist, racist or other stupid social media posts.

But it says on the letter nothing lower than a C. A C- falls between a C and a D…

you should be good, just be careful and try to get bs or better for the rest of the year.

congrats! I was deferred early action and REALLY want to be selected for regular admission. Do you have any tips on how to get in N.U.IN? Anything on your application that you feel helped you get into N.U.IN? I have a 3.8 weighted GPA and a 1410 on the SAT.

Congrats! Any advice on how to get into the NU in program? I was deferred Early action and really want to be considered for NU in. Anything on your application that you feel helped your chances? I have a 3.8 weighted GPA and a 1410 on the SAT.

thank you! In regards to some tips I would recommend, I reached out to the NU admissions counselor in my area and scheduled a meeting with her about what I find interesting about NU. I think that was super helpful in expressing interest and standing out in my application. I also put lots of work into my essays (Common App of course, since NU doesn’t have a supplemental) and had impressive extracurriculars that showed my interest in the major for which I applied (Human Services → Political Science + Business). Good luck with your application and feel free to ask more questions !

Thank you so much for the detailed response!!
Just to be clear, you emailed your admissions counsellor asking to schedule a meeting regarding questions you had about Northeastern?

Thanks so much again for your help! :slight_smile:

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