Northeastern University 2021 RD

If you got accepted to NUin, is it possible to be moved to the regular acceptance pool?

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Deferred EA, waitlisted RD (sent LOCI after deferral)

GPA: UW 4.0, W 4.54 (first in my class)
ACT: 36
15 APs (seven 5s, two 4s, six senior year)
Environmental Science

ECs: two environmental internships, varsity tennis MVP, first chair in local youth symphony, academic team captain, spanish club president

Two grandparents attended, a third grandparent was a professor

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No. NU In is a final decision.

75,000 applied, 2800 spots.

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Understood thanks. Do you mind giving a summary of what the NUin program entails exactly if one chose the Boston option. Thanks again.

Will my merit scholarship come on my portal once I submit the correct forms for my CSS profile? I didn’t realize I was missing a form ;-(


rejected :pensive:

anyone got this honors scholarship? is Dean’s scholarship better?



rejected (from california)

Italy is still on the NU IN website:

I’m sorry, but where did you find the 2,800 spots info/source?

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Hi, accepted after initial deferral. Dean’s Scholarship.
Sent LOCI and additional recommendation letter.
Political Science and International Affairs
Summa cum laude
3.87 GPA UW
4.36 GPA W
34 ACT (36 in reading and science)
13 APs (4s and 5s on all exams to date)
Varisty tennis captain (played no. 1 singles all 4 years)
All-conference - First team
Varisty soccer captain
Club soccer - Premier League and Midwest Conference League
Boys State designee
DECA State Champion
Own business (LLC)
Very grateful and appreciative of this opportunity
Good luck to everyone


The freshman class target size has ben 2800 students for about the last 30 years. The target for NU In is about 900 additional students.

NJ decisions out ?

@guncleandpa 3500 or so 1st year enrollees. 2800 is a little low. they probably accepted 15,000 or so including ED and EA.

So the freshmen class is separate from the main freshmen class, in that there would be approximately 3,700 students accepted in total out of this year’s 75,000?