Northeastern University 2021 RD

As at all schools it is the universities’ determination of need, not the families or the FAFSA EFC. Both schools are need aware.

I’ll add one more important statistic between the two … HOCKEY!!!


BU 30x winners, last championship 2015
BC 20x winners, …2016
Harvard 11x winners… 2017
NEU 7x last championships- 2018, 2019, 2020!!!

If your are at BU you’re in “the Dog House”
If you are at NE you’re in the “Dog Pound”

And the NE Women’s hockey team just won 4th straight National Championship

Is a great 4 school rivalry but even bigger for the schools “across the street”. The place rocks when you’re inside the arena. Kids have a ton of fun. Very well supported and you will definitely see President Aoun in with the kids!

2021- cancelled due to Covid.

So just a little trivia to lighten up the wait!

I love watching ice hockey so hearing this makes me so excited

It’s the other way around. BU Dog Pound, Northeastern Dog House

When do we think regular decision will come out, what day?

most likely a wednesday, probably the 31st, because of how long it took for EA decisions to come out

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Wow how’d I get that wrong!! Thank you!! My D at NEU would be very upset! I’m definitely in the Pound now! :paw_prints::paw_prints::paw_prints:

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Good luck everybody!! This is my top school I’m so nervous! Can anybody chance me??

Gpa: 97.81/100 uw
99.3 for this year
Ap calc AB and AP world (school only has 5 APs) Syracuse biology, 3 duel enrollment
Ranked 2/131
Graduating one year early
Varsity soccer (jv captain)
Varsity tennis (captain)
HMUN (two awards)
Peer mentor
9th grade class president
10th grade class treasurer

TONS of demonstrated interest

I’m also nervous because I wasn’t very specific in my activity section so I’m worried, but I sent in an extended resume.

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Does anyone here think we might get a decision tomorrow?? Really excited but bit worried. Hope St. Patrick’s Day bring some good news to us.

What makes you think there is a chance that it could come out tomorrow? I meant I thought it was going to come out on April 1.

Just guessing. Nobody can say for sure when will the announcement be made. but we will hear something definitely by April 1st

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Please everyone, read the first post. It has all the known info on the release date, there’s no need to speculate or ask.

Short answer: possible tomorrow, but low chance.

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I see. I got so excited. :laughing:

The thing with college admissions is that it somewhat depends on which school you apply from. I know at my school kids get in every year, but only the top five or six that apply. Assuming kids get in from your school every year, you should probably get in given you’re stats, rank, and ECs (you are absolutely qualified to go there). However, it’s also worth noting that Northeastern gets picky because they choose individuals that would contribute to a more diverse background (race, regional background, etc). While this happens to a degree at most schools, from what I know it happens a lot at Northeastern. If you were a student at my school however, you would most likely be getting in. Best of luck to you!

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Hopefully today

Thank you for your reply! I come from a very rural area so lots of people stay local, so many don’t apply there. But, people have gotten in several times from my school. I’m very nervous!

anyone wanna guess the chance it comes out today? i would imagine it’s unlikely

Just letting you guys know that any changes or “glitches” in your portals literally mean nothing. With tens of thousands of applicants, the portal is bound to mess up once in a while. Decisions will probably come out next Wednesday or the week after. Northeastern received 17% more applicants than last year for a total of about 75,000. They have the same if not smaller admission team this year compared to last, so just give them time.

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My S21 was one of the kids with the “glitch”. If you look at my past post on the topic you will see that his portal directed him to a screen that said “the wait is over”, followed by a message declaring “You’re in!!”. Underneath that was a personalized acceptance letter with his name and all. This “glitch” is now gone and we are patiently waiting.

While it may be true that this glitch “literally means nothing” I am going to go out on a limb and say…if he doesn’t end up getting in, this will be the most unfortunate (egregious) glitch I’ve seen at any college ever. :joy:

We’re not talking about a mysterious “pay now” button on a financial aid page or a missing checklist item. We’re talking about an actual, personalized acceptance letter.

I guess we will wait and see!!

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That honestly seems as though NEU mistakenly released his decision early. With that, congrats on the early admission!