Northeastern University 2021 RD

Yes. Was offered $27k (National Recognition Program)

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35 ACT
10 APs (4, 5, 5, 5 on tests so far)
4.0 UW GPA
Major: Politics, Philosophy, and Economics

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Was deferred in EA then accepted NUin (although didn’t check that box)
Probably won’t attend but it is nice to get an acceptance (of sorts).

Daughter was rejected. 3.97 UW GPA, 4.64 W GPA, 10 APs, 10 honors classes, and leadership, service, 3 honor societies, academic awards, and many many extracurriculars. So onward and upward! Congrats to those accepted, and hang in there to those rejected!


I got waitlisted too! My gpa is average and so are my stats but I have a pretty good art portfolio. Who knows how admission works. lol.

1500 SAT (took only once)
4.0 UW
6APs (4s and 5s)
3 college credit classes
Undecided major
National Merit Recognition Scholar (Rural and Small School)
National Honor Society
National Math Honor Society
National English Honor Society
2 sport athlete and travel club
President of 2 clubs
Ran large school fundraising event for 3 years
Peer Tutor
P/T job

Accepted elsewhere most with Honors College/Program and all with awesome scholarships, undecided what to do about commiting to the waitlist


waitlist (and deferred) from ca
4.3/3.9 gpa
34 act

accepted RD honors scholarship
36 ACT
4.0 UW GPA
state: CA
major: political science
13 APs, good ECs

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So do I. Did you fill out CSS fully?

Congratulation all who are admitted. Welcome to our Northeastern University community. :raised_hands: :v:

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Yes we did , I even checked CSS profile few days back while checking Cornell stuff. Seems everything is applied properly

CSS profile is needed for merit ? Thought Fafsa and css more for financial aid not merit ?

You got merit and FA ?

No I got none bc I forgot to submit a document on CSS. We are doing it now and they said I can still be eligible if I submit it ASAP

Is NU Bound bad?

Committing to the waitlist has nothing to do with our other acceptances and committing to another college by May 1st right? I assume we can still think and decide if the waitlist comes off and are offered an acceptance from NEU. Someone pls correct me.

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Accepted into NUin regular decision
GPA: 4.33 cumulative
no test scores
state: California
major: Behavioral Neuroscience and Design
applied for financial aid and got Dean’s scholarship

Pretty heavily involved in school clubs as officers, and in a specialized Medical Academy at my high school, 6 seasons of a varsity sport

my AP scores aren’t great but my unweighted GPA was a 4.0 through high school- the only APs I took were from junior year(with online testing) and i have had my fair share of honors courses as well

common app essay was about my interest in Opera and science and how these aspects of my personality mingle - leading me to wanting to become a surgeon

Was on the waitlist letter

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This past year was the first year NUIN had a Boston program due to Covid. Only the Dublin site was abroad. NUIN fall 2020 was housed in the Westin hotel. Fall 2021 is keeping a Boston option and perhaps going forward that might be the cases but historically all NUIN students went abroad first semester.

CSS for financial aid or merit ?

How do we check ?

Got into NU In
95.56 Weighted Gpa
9 aps and 2 varsity sports
Common app essay wasnt all that

Does anyone know what the nu in in boston looks like?

Congrats! Can you share how much the creative leaders scholarship is for?