Northeastern University 2021 RD

Good eve. Email today 4p EST. Engineering. Denied. Denial stings a bit yet know that it isn’t anything but their best look at fit and enrollment. My stats all 99th percentile and I love the design and engineering at NE so hard to let go yet let go I must…they were on my “sweet spot” list with a little less Campus Life, Arts and Humanities yet really strong international and investing in design field and data sciences alongside engineering, I was honest about performing and studio arts, science, and engineering combinations I like; either the fit is there or not. Congratulations to everyone admitted or otherwise. Stay strong.


Accepted with 16k Dean’s Scholarship! 1560/97.7 GPA/Average ECs/Good essay. Accepted for accounting. Congrats to all who got in!


yeah. it just means that you want to be on the waitlist. not a binding agreement or anything

How many students get placed on the waitlist out of the 75,000 applicants?

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I would also love to get some more info about the NUin program in Boston.

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It sounds like you were overqualified. Don’t sweat it. You got this!

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does anyone know how many students they accept out of the 75K applicant pool? i’m trying to calculate if the acceptance rate changed this year

I think it’s only bad if you don’t want to spend a year in London. Last year my son was accepted by BU to a program he didn’t apply to (College of General Studies) that started in January with a summer in London. He wanted to start in September so chose NU. I did a study abroad program in London and it was a great experience.


Wait listed.
4.0 UW/4.6 W gpa
No test scores
#1 in class of 138
13 APs (all 4s and 5s)
2 Dual Enrollment
Lots of leadership, hospital volunteer 3 years, 3 year varsity sport, yearbook editor in chief, class officer, lots of school clubs, music and math tutor, youth orchestra…


D originally deferred- accepted NU in
Dean’s scholarship
Didn’t apply to NUin but interested in learning more
UW 3.7 W4.6
11 APs
35 ACT

Accepted U of Miami EA, waitlisted UCSB (lol), waiting for a few others but this is top choice.

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The Creative Leaders Scholarship was 15k a year, and the Dean’s Scholarship was another 22k per year.


My son got into the honors program with a scholarship.


Stellar. You will find a great fit I am sure. Stay strong.


Is northeastern known for taking kids from the waitlist or is this rare? Congrats to all those who got in!

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we are not offered admission

Congratulations to the NUE Class 2025.
All the best!

Could NEU accidentally accept a student? I got into NEU, but I can’t believe I made it in! Could they have made a mistake?


Haha no but nice job!!

How do you check which NUin location is available to go ?
We have London/Italy/Greece/Ireland not sure which one is available ?

so, you are really telling the truth!! They didn’t make no mistake

if they do, they have to honor their offer. j/k