Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

I have a question about EA versus RD for Northeastern. We came to consider Northeastern relatively late, only a week or two ago. I’m really not sure why it was not on our radar before, except possibly because I had gotten the impression that it was very expensive.

Looking at it more closely over the past week or so, however, I think it might be as reasonable financially for us as a few other schools my son is applying to, and it looks like it has some really nice programs that would fit with his major and research interests.

But, I’ve also gotten the impression that Northeastern cares a lot about how much interest the student has shown. My son has not done a tour or anything else. Would he be better off waiting and applying RD, and showing some interest between now and then? Or would he be better off going ahead and applying EA now, and then showing interest? He wants to tour the school & get more info on programs etc. whether he applies EA or RD. But we just aren’t sure whether it’s better to show the interest before he actually submits his application.

(If it matters, there is zero chance he would take one of the alternative programs. I know those seem to have a pretty high likelihood, and that’s one of the drawbacks we see to Northeastern.)


Northeastern is such a yield and stats chasing place. And now w/ the Tulane admissions guy coming there, it’s gonna get even more acute.

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He already started last year, and tightened the screws on the whole process :confused:

I believe that would work better than applying EA. Or, if you’re able to and NEU is indeed the #1 choice, apply ED2.


With all the conversations about SAT/ACT score thresholds, wondering if folks on this thread have opinions about AP Scores on the application? Would NEU care about scores below a 4/5? My son is getting conflicting opinions from his college and school counselors about reporting “3” scores to NEU.

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i would not report a 3 AP score to Northeastern or any college unless they require you to report all scores.

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Can you explain re: Tulane?

There’s this gentleman Satya Dattagupta who’s known as the “data guru” in college admission circles. He’s built a career around using sophisticated data models and computer algorithms to predict enrollment yield for colleges. Northeastern poached him from Tulane early this year, and he’s now their Chief Enrollment Officer (yes that’s apparently a title now!)

Other than looking to improve yield he’s also working on data driven targeted-recruiting to get students to enroll at NEU’s new locations like Mills College.


I agree with @TomSrOfBoston. NU doesn’t accept a 3 for credit so I would not submit unless you have to send all scores.



My daughter applied on Oct 13th for EA and her teacher recommendations went in on Oct 20th. Her portal is not updated with the recommendation letters. She emailed her admission counsellor but no response yet. Should she call the admissions office and ask them?

Can’t you check the status from common app?

DS23 is applying to NU EA, but may consider switching to ED2 (he is applying to a different school ED1). An admissions rep came to his school and said he has until Nov 15 to switch from EA to ED2, but that doesn’t sound correct to me, especially in light of some of the above messages which allude to applicants getting deferred from EA and then switching to ED2 (which I would assume would have to take place in Feb, after EA decisions come out).

Does anyone have insight? If DS applies EA, until when can he switch his status to ED2 if desired?

BTW… my older DS is currently at NU and it’s been a great experience for him!

I’m not an expert, but according to this, ED2 apps have to be in by January 1. However, this states that EA decisions won’t be handed out until February so that would not allow a deferred EA applicant time to switch to but I guess it allows those who apply ED somewhere else and are rejected or deferred the option to change NU to ED.

Last year they expected to fill about half their seats with ED picks as they had to manage their yield tightly due to an extremely high yield the year before (fall 2021.)

Does anyone know what the Early Decision Agreement is - listed in the NE portal as an action item after applying ED? Student has not received any emails or anything on it. Student and parent signed agreement in Common App.

When my daughter applied EA last year, the decision was released late January well after the ED2 deadline. She was deferred, but received an email promoting her to switch to ED2. The letter strongly hinted that she would be accepted if she switched (she declined).

So if you get deferred you can still do ED2.


Has anyone seen a delay in the high school transcript posting to NU’s portal? My kid’s guidance department pushed out all materials. Common App says they are downloaded. NU portal indicates they have everything, including the school report that went with the transcript, but not the transcript itself.

Wondering if there is a glitch somewhere in the Naviance to Common App to NU portal chain or if it just takes longer for them to process and post that they received the transcript.

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NU was D’s first choice and she was going to apply ED1. She has a pretty good option in state and so she’s hedging the ED. She showed me a stat (and I was able to validate the source) which shows a 50%! acceptance rate for ED applicants! Thoughts? If she is accepted ED would they offer it conditionally, eg NUIN or 1 year in CA? If so, do you think it would give her an out? She has great GPA and ECs, average test (she’s not submitting these). She also submittted financials and has a pretty decent FA package.

You will only be bound to ED if you were accepted to your number one choice for acceptance. So in other words, if you choose Boston campus and your number 1 choice for ED but they offer you NUin or NU bound, the ED is non binding.
And yes, in 2021 there was a 50% acceptance rate for ED. Last year I believe it was around 33%, but that is compared to the overall acceptance rate last year of 6%. Last year NU had to cut back on admissions due to over enrollment the year prior. Most years the overall acceptance rate is around 19%.


Apparently Northeastern sends out more detailed acceptance stats to high school guidance counselors than they publish publicly. In the past some GC’s have shared those memos here on CC, not the past two years, however. I remember seeing the 33% ED acceptance rate back then.

Last year, ED1 was about 33% according to college kickstart (college guidance.)

Overall admission rate was 6% last year. Not seeing any stats for ED1&2 combined however, they did say they were shooting to full half of their frosh seats with ED last year bc they had to tightly manage their yield. They were very successful in doing so. In Fall 2021 they had an extremely high yield for fall admits and NUIN that have impacted the school fro classes, housing etc.

Fall 2021 did accept 53% of ED1 applicants… overall 18% that year.

Who knows what their strategy will be this year.

ED is only binding if you are offered regular fall admission to Boston. All the other programs are non-binding. The only caveat being might be the new 4 yr programs in London or Mills that others have mentioned, but i imagine those would still be non-binding…