Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Some other interesting tidbits from a recent Huntington News article shows they had a 41% YIELD (not admissions rate) and numbers of NUin and NUBound which are often not shared.

This also gives you a sense of future academic direction and programs for NU students.

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Just finished applying ED with my son. A lot about NEU is still confusing, but he loved the campus, the work study, the accelerated masters program. Heā€™ll be coming in with 64 credits from NECC (and graduating HS 2 weeks after he gets his AA) and while it looks like a good number will transfer, Iā€™m not sure how many will be useful toward a business degree. Thereā€™s a whole lot to figure out, first we just need to see if heā€™s accepted and weā€™ll wing it from there.

We went TO as his SAT was 1380 (his own fault, he spent probably 5 hours ā€œstudyingā€). I think that when we visited, admissions said something about ED1 notifications being end of November, but Iā€™m not certain. That might have been BU (visited both the same day). I donā€™t see a date posted on the NEU website either, can anyone confirm or deny the end of November date? (Iā€™m sure itā€™s in this thread, I just found this board AFTER submitting and googling for the decision dateā€¦ Iā€™m posting then going back and digging through this thread in more detail as it may answer a lot of my questions.

I have no idea how the heck we will pay if he is accepted, but weā€™ll make it work somehow.

The website says that ED1 decisions will be released by January 1. In the past ED1 decisions have been released in mid-December so that is what I would expect this year.
Undergraduate Admissions | Northeastern University


Thanks, I just received access to the portal this morning and see it shows by Jan 1. Appreciate the info re: Mid December. I was hoping to potentially avoid application costs for the 16 other schools on his list by learning whether he got into NEU before having to apply to all the others :). Looks like it will be close.

Last year ED1 decisions were released on Dec 8th and EA decisions on Jan26th.

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After visiting over a year ago, NEU has been one of my daughterā€™s top choices. She applied EA a couple of weeks ago but now wishes she waited to submit. My daughterā€™s friend, who has had zero interest in NEU, was emailed a fee waiver today and is now going to apply to NEU because itā€™s a ā€œfreebie.ā€ I understand that this is one method schools use to increase the application pool but still disappointed that NEU didnā€™t provide a waiver to prospective students who actually demonstrated interest and applied well before the Nov 1 deadline. Seems a bit upside to me. Prospective students for Fall 2024 may want to consider waiting for their fee waiver before applying and save $75.00 in the process.


My son applied and was offered a fee waiver a short time after and NU refunded the application fee in response to my request.

Yes I agree, I am from the Bay Area and the Mills College facility take over by Northeastern was not big news at all, infact it was not news except in the micro local community in Oakland. That said, I have noticed that the school has been doing a fantastic job in attracting kids from private schools in the area (Nueva, Lick, Harker etc.)

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@Nemesis_Artemis This is also my question, my son said the portal showed uncheck for transcript but the counselor has submitted in the commonapp. Should we ask or wait?

Always go by what the schoolā€™s application portal shows. Thatā€™s the record of what the college has received and added to the application file.
Best to ask in this case.


We got the fee waiver too. The email said that if you had already applied and paid the fee, you could email Sharon Vieira ( and they would refund the fee to you.


Thanks for passing on the helpful info. Unsure why my daughter didnā€™t receive an email about the fee waiver email after she applied. (I had her double check!) Will reach out to NEU for the refund.

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Those waivers may have been sent to certain targeted groups of students in which your child may not be one of themā€¦ ie national merit scholars (or certain PSAT scores), URM, certain areas of the country, etc. it is hard to gauge year to year what admissions is looking for. I hope your request for a refund goes through.
For instance, my younger D started getting waivers and mailings from likely every Christian school in the states. We could not figure out why until her GC asked if she completed the religious affiliation question on her PSAT demographic questions. She had. We are not Christian but the GC said that Christian schools want students of other religions to attend to round out their demographics and she could probably get full scholarship at many of those schools if she wanted to go. The waivers might well be bc of some targeted group from that.

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We looked through emails and did not receive an email offering an application waiver. This is all I saw that was related:

We recognize that Early Decision applicants make a commitment to us; weā€™re making a commitment back to you by offering additional benefits to those considering applying Early Decision and to those who are ultimately admitted through the Early Decision program. These include:

  • An application fee waiver for students seeking financial aid
  • Early need-based financial aid reviews
  • Unique scholarship opportunities
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Yes it must be a targeted group. My son wrote emails to many of his schools back in September to inquire about fee waivers. This was his email to NU and their response :woman_shrugging:

Hello. I am a senior and Iā€™m excited to apply to Northeastern University soon. I took a tour on November 19, 2021 and loved the campus and programs! I know some schools offer free application codes for students who visit, so I just thought Iā€™d check to see if you offer this (I donā€™t qualify for the financial aid fee waiver.)

Thank you.


Thank you for your interest in NortheasternUniversity! We are so glad you had the opportunity to visit our campus last year! Unfortunately we do not offer a free application code for students who visit. I am so sorry for the inconvenience!

Please feel free to email with any questions in the future!
Best wishes,

Hannah Morton | Visitor Center Assistant, Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Northeastern University

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My son had the option on his application. He applied ED.

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My guess is that they are simply targeting students that havenā€™t demonstrated interest as a way to increase applications so that they can have another year of record low acceptance rates.

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Or maybe just a last minute email/marketing blitz, sent right before the Nov 1 deadline, to students who had yet to apply.

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I think there was an automatic fee waiver for applying ED. My son and I traveled from Florida to tour the school, and he has done some of their virtual events. He also follows the school on social media. So I donā€™t think itā€™s about demonstrated interest.


That sounds like a wise strategy and makes sense given how targeted their marketing is. They knew my son was applying, as shown by his demonstrated interest, so they didnā€™t need to offer a free application code. But if other students are on their radar but did not show interest, what better way to get them to apply than to offer a free application?

Northwestern does this too. The website highlights which students can get a free waiver but then says ā€œif you donā€™t fit into one of these categories but want a free application code, give us a call or email and we will help.ā€ In other words, we will create a category for any kid who wants to apply!