Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Oh Wait the finacial aid box is back up lol… idk what it all means or doesnt mean but just keeping u all updated!

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Is the withdraw application link still there on the portal?

Ours still there.

Exactly. I know of no school that announces decisions during school hours.

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My financial check list is gone now

No, I was wrong. It’s still there. iPad turned one way showed it, turned the other way it was not there. Oops

good luck everybody if it does come out tonight! i’m just looking for anything other than a rejection


This is a reach school for my son, although he is an excellent student. We’re way OOS (near the Kansas City area), but we really enjoy Boston and Massachusetts/New England in general (also have a daughter at UMass). Northeastern gave us a fee waiver, and they have a cybersecurity degree, so we thought we’d give it a go.

Good luck to everyone.


I take your “way OOS” and raise you a California applicant! :joy: Definitely keeping our fingers crossed. My son only applied to two schools that were not on the West Coast, NU and Amherst. We shall see…


That’s what I had to do with my first son, and now my second as well. Thank goodness for this site!

Good luck with Amherst - I don’t know if you’ve been able to visit, but I really enjoy the Amherst/Northampton area.

We did visit. Beautiful campus in an ideal setting.

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Hoping so! Nothing yet, but the day is young.

FWIW, the disappearing Financial Aid checklist just appears to be an innocent bug. Looking at the html code for the page, elements in the portal are repeated with .mobile and .desktop selectors.

When a screen size is below a certain width the .mobile elements are displayed and .desktop elements are hidden using a display:none css rule.

When a screen size is above a certain width the opposite happens .mobile elements are hidden with a display:none css rule and .desktop elements shown.

The issue is for the Financial Aid element there is only a .desktop element and no corresponding .mobile element to be displayed on smaller screen widths.


We also our own business. We didn’t have to submit for our Junior D when she applied.


Oh man, i wonder why its targeting us than HA! Perhaps something new, who knows!

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This is when major news etc decisions tend to come out. No contact over the weekend. :wink:


Good luck everyone!! I’m so anxious!



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Think today is the day. Just lost ability to change application status to regular decision. Don’t know if that is a good thing though.