Hi so I’ve gotten into both these UNIs and am planning to do bio in each of them. I can’t decide and any advice and tips would be appreciated. So NEU has given me an 80% scholarship which makes it a better contender as far as financial aid goes because Carnegie has yet to send me their aid package. Furthermore, NEU is closer to my dad who lives in Boston and it’s an area I know very well and have lived in for most of my life. However, CMU has a far better reputation (idk from what I’ve been told) and so would help me in the future for jobs but so would the co-op of Neu. Which one would be more benifital? Northeastern is the only I visited and I fell in love but CMU may also be a nice campus but I have not been able to visit. Please help for a bio major who wants a good future and has to consider all the factors above which uni would be better. Thanks for any help
You say you got an 80% scholarship? Is that the University Scholars Program? If so, it’s far more than just a scholarship - it’s amazing resources, events for scholars only, a community of students, and much more. Check out the program in detail, but even an equal financial package at CMU won’t come with the resources of the program.
Is there any chance to visit CMU? Regardless of where you’re leaning now, I think it’s important so that you can trust in your decision and have no biases.
Your analysis is pretty spot on - you’re going to have plenty of connections at either - Boston is a huge medical hub and the co-op program takes advantage of that. CMU has the clear prestige edge, but NEU is not significantly far behind. Both will land you a good job after graduation.
I always argue that fit (along with co-op at NEU) is one of the most important factors if money and academic level are equal - if you get a chance to visit CMU, and still like NEU more, I think NEU is your best bet. If you can’t, it’s tougher because of unknowns, but you have a great financial situation, you like the school and fit, and you have the University Scholars Program which will offer tons.
We visited both. Carnegie Mellon is beautiful campus, safe and easy to navigate town around it…I thought easier and more accessible and prettier than Boston but Boston has history and is bigger. Carnegie Mellon has good internships and job fairs and students seem to get internships easily and get paid well. We noticed that the student make up is different. It seems harder to switch majors,etc. at CMU though you can take courses in departments other than your own. The students are hard driving…they seem slightly more academically bent than NEU folks. BOth strong schools. Carnegie Mellon will often give you more financial aid if you need it and ask and if there is another place giving you need based aid.