Hey everyone,
This is one of my first posts, so sorry if I’m not doing this right. I’m trying to make a decision between Lehigh University and Northeastern University for a degree in business, and I seriously need some help. If I go to either school, I’ll get a degree in Finance, but if I go to Lehigh, I expect to also get a degree in Comp sci as part of their CSB program. This is what’s tearing me:
Northeastern is in Boston, and has a great co op system.
Lehigh is in the middle of nowhere, but has a much much tighter alumni network
CSB at Lehigh supposedly has 100% job placement, and a much higher starting average salary
Northeastern has Co- ops
Lehigh seems to traditionally have much more acclaim than NEU, but in future years it seems to not matter (maybe)
If I were to do CSB at NEU, I’m worried it would cut into my co-ops, as well as there not being as specific a program for it. Lehigh also has much smaller class sizes and personal involvement (which may help with jobs).
Northeastern is ranked 19th for undergrad business.
Lehigh is ranked 38th.
Neu is more expensive for me than Lehigh, but only NEU has offered a merit-based scholarship.
Neu is in Boston which means a lot for jobs after school as well as being a college town
Lehigh seems more fun on campus.
That’s just a quick summary, but I’m sure theres more pro’s/cons I’m not thinking of. Which would you choose, and why? Please help, I’m desperate
There is a combined Business and CS degree at NEU: I know many myself. I don’t think it will cut into your co-ops
They are pretty comparable prestige-wise IMO. I would say that’s a wash.
All that said, if you will need loans for NEU and not for Lehigh, take the cheaper option for sure. If you can afford both, choose based on if you want co-op. It appears that both have good placement, so do you want straight academics or mixed work in between?
Lehigh would be about 17k cheaper than NEU for me, although my parents are helping pay for it. You think the difference in prestige really wont matter that much? I’m definitely leaning more towards Lehigh (seems more fun) but I’m worried that if I choose that, I’ll miss out on the work experience and city opportunities at NEU, even if Lehigh CSB has such good standing…
I just don’t wanna make the wrong decision
Also, thanks anyone and everyone for all input!
I don’t think the prestige here will matter. NEU has a very highly regarded business school. As for CSB, it doesn’t seem very special beyond the boasted job placement rate of 100%. The link I gave you will show a very similar curriculum to CSB. I imagine NEU’s placement is similiar given plain business is 93% and CS is incredibly valued right now.
If you see yourself being happier at Lehigh, go for it. I wouldn’t go for it for CSB, but if it feels like a better fit, both are very comparable schools. Work experience can be had if you’re active in any college area, it’l just be harder and take more initiative versus a co-op program which has a support network built up. As far as cities goes, that’s another personal decision you need to make. Do you need Boston? It’s an amazing city but many can be happy in rural campuses.
Basically, academically, they are very comparable. A Business/CS degree will be very marketable from either school. Financially, it sounds like you can afford both or you wouldn’t be considering both. So, make the choice based off of fit.
I can say this: neither is a wrong decision.
Thanks so much, @PengsPhils . This is really making me more confidant in my choice, whatever choice I go for. All of your points make a lot of sense, and in the end I probably will go for what makes me happiest, since the schools are almost so evenly matched.
Can I ask one thing though? How important is a school’s alumni network? I’ve heard good things about Lehigh’s, and not much about Northeastern’s…but that just might be my bias showing again. There is also a HUGE difference in endowment between the schools.
Again, thanks so much
I think a strong alumni network = an average co-op program. The idea of both is jobs after graduation. At NEU, 50% of grads get a full time job offer from one of their co-ops. It’s not an alumni network but it serves the same purpose. Also, part of the alumni network at NEU IS co-op. NEU alumni often end up offering co-ops to NEU. I have heard multiple cases of that first hand.
I would say NEU’s co-op is better than most alumni networks. I don’t know Lehigh well enough to know how good theirs is.
As far as alumni network goes, here’s an example…
Last week, my mom taught at a local SUNY school (she is a sales trainer). After finishing her lecture, she spoke with one of the Deans about returning to teach again. Turns out, the Dean is from NEU. I just committed to NEU, so my mom got his business card. Then, the guy gives her another business card. This One was for a chemical engineer (I’m going for chemical engineering) that works for Keurig in Boston and also graduated from NEU. His position at the Keurig location allows him to offer job opportunities to NEU students looking to intern or do a co-op. I live 4 hours away from Boston, so already gaining contacts in the city that may be of use when I look to co-op will definitely be beneficial in the future 
@confused512 you will have great opportunities at both schools both during and after. The good news is you really can’t lose between the two. As previously described, the main differences are the co-op program at NEU and the fact that NEU is in the middle of a great city (world’s biggest college town), whereas Lehigh provides more the “college” experience on a self-contained campus, with heavy greek life, etc. That said, since Lehigh is $17K less expensive (I assume per year) that is a big difference - we don’t know your family situation, but if the extra $17K is going to either put you in debt or stretch your family, it’s not worth it, the schools are very similar in reputation, stature and education. If your family can easily afford it, then the choice is yours.