Northeastern vs Rutgers New Brunswick vs Rutgers Newark (honors)

Correct me if i am wrong, but i understood from the Rutgers website that only some business majors are offered in NB (finance, accounting but not management).

What is a management major?

At NB and Newark, it’s Leadership and Management.

If you look at B School career outcomes, Management and then marketing are typically the two lowest paid majors. It’s a generic degree that unless someone really has a love for, doesn’t add much value - because you don’t get a hard skill. I would steer far clear.

Leadership and Management Major | Rutgers Business School

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Thanks. I didn’t understand what majoring in leadership was. I’ve had a few kids mention it to me.

It’s what you major in when you’re like - I don’t want to be an accountant…or in finance…or in Info Systems.

I majored in Marketing in grad school - but if we had an even fluffier major like “management” - I suppose I’d have been in it!!!

Reminder that CC is supposed to be a welcoming and friendly community!

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Are you the mom of the student? Or the student? You’re flipping back and forth between first and third person, and is confusing me.

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OP - your user name suggests you’re the mom. Can you clarify?

Temporarily closing thread

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