<p>General Things
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: East Indian (international)
Country: India (but living in Singapore for 16 years)
Current Grade: About to start my senior year (in singapore, schools run from Jan-Dec)
Financial Aid: Not applying for any sort of FA</p>
-On a scale of 5
-Please consider this in view of how difficult my school is (very) and my test scores.
-Note the drastic rising trend
Freshman Yr – 2.8/5.00
Sophomore Yr – 3.4/5.00
Junior Yr (1st Semester) – 4.19/5.00
Junior Yr (2nd Semester) – 4.36/5.00</p>
<p>SAT Reasoning Test (took once)
SAT Critical Reading - 760
SAT Math - 790
SAT Writing – 800 (MC 80 E 11)
SAT Composite (M+CR) – 1550
SAT Composite (M+CR+W) – 2350</p>
<p>SAT Subject Tests
SAT Math Level 2 - 800
SAT Chemistry – 780
SAT Physics – not taken yet
SAT Biology M – not taken yet</p>
<p>AP Tests
- expecting all fives (entire graduating class above mine from my HS are AP Scholars with Distinction)
AP Calculus AB – 5
AP Chemistry – 5
AP Physics B – not taken yet
AP Biology – not taken yet
AP Calculus BC – not taken yet
AP Statistics – not taken yet</p>
<p>Extracurricular Activities
- Creative Writing for 8 years (very extensive, two international commendatory awards, President of Creative Writing Circle)
- Debate (expecting to be Captain next year)
- Yearbook Editor
- Newsletter Editor
- Scrabble (several national level awards)
- Model UN
- Interned at renowned biodiversity museum
- Interned at a research facility for water technology research
- Conducting research on catalysts for fuel cells (cutting edge)
- 300+ community service hours
- Tons of other smaller ECs</p>
<p>srrinath your sat is beast. You gpa is as bad as your sat is good. Plus your international. and indian. This info shows that you don’t study but are naturally smart.</p>
<p>my GPA is a ‘beast’ because i started picking up on my studies sometime in my late sophomore year/early junior year. so if you were to consider my 11/12th grades with my SAT scores, you’ll see a more completely picture of who i am. i do agree i was a slacker in the past but the improving trend should dispel any notion that i am still a slacker right?</p>
<p>From a college perspective, They will consider an upward trend. However, your gpa was a 2.8 and 3.4 and when you picked up it might have been too late.</p>
<p>I am assuming your gpa gives you a low rank</p>
<p>And your unweighted and weighted GPA should be low as well</p>
<p>those are 3 huge factors that your lacking in.</p>
<p>However, like I said your SAT is probably one of the highest the college will see. But colleges tend to frown on low gpa/high sat just as much if not more than low sat/high gpa.</p>
<p>No your chances aren’t killed, but it will be one thing the adcom will talk about a lot. I wish you luck bro, from indian to indian.</p>
<p>alright well, i can’t do anything about my past GPA at this point in time but yeah, i can imagine why high SAT/low GPA is frowned upon. but on the other hand, by the time i apply i will have six fives for my APs. in combination with SATs and subject tests, will that not be enough to prove that my GPA is the result of a really tough curriculum here at my school?</p>
<p>anyway, how could i improve myself?</p>
<p>hi srinath. to improve your admission chances i guess it is no longer the things related to school that are important anymore. you got to do things outside of school. in your school it is impossible to get very good gpa and therefore you got to show your talents else where. dun follow the norm.</p>
<p>hi. i think i know who you are. anyway, thanks for the advice, but do realize it’s rather late for me to be doing things out of school above and beyond what i’m currently doing. and actually, if i hadn’t done so badly for my first yr and second yr i would have gotten a much higher CAP. but personally, from your point of view, would you agree that CAP is not the decisive factor for admissions to us colleges or would you argue otherwise? that is rly the main matter of concern to me.</p>
<p>hi srinath. well. you still have less than 1 year right. this is actually the most critical year. our caps can’t be very good. </p>
<p>what i think is that my batch should go out there to make a name for the school first. and given the fact that our school curriculum is so difficult, the schools should be able to gauge accordingly.</p>
<p>i think your case is not that bad yet. there are people having an over all cap of less than 4 out of 5 going to uiuc. so whether ur cap is good enough depends very much on your target. what schools are you aiming at?</p>
<p>what you should do now is more about taking initiative in different things. like initiate a programme that you want to do. US schools emphasize alot on it i guess.</p>