<p>I know there have been a lot of threads about early graduation, and most have been shot down, but in my case I think it's warranted. There are a few aspects of it I'd like some advice on. At this point I can't really see turning down 2 years at a great instate school for 4 years at a private school.</p>
<p>I'm only going to graduate early if I'm not accepted at my state magnet school, but seeing as its acceptance rate is ~20% I feel I must consider alternatives. </p>
<p>My school offers NO APs or courses beyond honors-level high school. Students are allowed to take online AP courses and community college courses.</p>
<p>This year I took 7 online classes, and I am absolutely annoyed with some many online courses. If it helps, here's what I've taken/am taking freshman and sophomore years: </p>
<p>Advanced Composition Honors, English I Honors, English II Honors
Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-calculus Honors, AP Calculus BC
Applications of Science Honors, Chemistry Honors, NASA Physics, AP Physics B
AP Spanish Language [Spanish 111,112,211,212]
AP Art History, Engineering Honors
World History Honors</p>
<p>Potential instate credit hours: 28-36</p>
<p>Summer 2009: English III Honors, Civics Honors, Intro to bowling [PED 120]</p>
<p>Junior or Senior Schedule (Projected) </p>
<p>AP Chemistry [CHM 151,152]
AP Biology [BIO 111, 112]
AP US History
Earth/Environmental Science Honors
English IV Honors
Introduction to Ethics [PHIL 240]
L.A. and D.E. [MAT 280, 285] or Discrete Math [MAT 381] online with state flagship
Multivariable Calculus [MAT 273]</p>
<p>Total Potential Instate Credit Hours: 60-70 (Junior Standing)</p>
<p>Sophomore SAT scores: 1870 (CR 670, M 500[?], W 640]
Intended College's 50 %-tile SAT Scores: ~1950</p>
<p>Intended major: Math and Philosophy</p>
<p>Alternatives: Transfer to another school [None around me offers much more, rank takes a hit, graduate with people I don't know], Take more online classes [Not again], Take no math and few science courses senior year [Makes no sense]</p>
<p>Pros: Will be valedictorian of a class of 1-2 people. (School lied to me about ranking, they said they didn't and they actually do. Currently I'm barely top 5/85 because I had to take Geometry and Algebra II standard) I'll save money, and I'll get to graduate school sooner. I hope to do a JD/PhD program.</p>
<p>Cons: Will be the sole or 1/2 students to graduate as THE FIRST class of my school, possibly upsetting those who thought they going to be the first class. [Talked to many students, none of them said they cared much.] Rank won't mean much in a small class. Lose out on high school? Will graduate from college before my brother (Who is a rising college freshman), may put me on bad terms with him. Will be much younger than everyone else. </p>
<p>*** Moment: Am I seriously doing 4 years of high school and 2 years of college in 3 years combined?</p>
<p>Is there anything else I should consider?</p>