Not applying to a school that paid for a visit?

<p>Have any of you (or your kids) not applied to a school that paid for a visit? My son visited Lehigh through the DAP program, and while he liked it ok, he doesn't really think he would want to attend. Is that really awful if he doesn't apply?</p>

<p>Not a paid visit, but D1 attended a paid summer program at Grinnell the summer before sr year and did not apply. The school and town were too small and isolated for her. </p>

<p>IMO the reason for these trips and programs are to see if the school is right for the student, there is no obligation to apply. If he really doesn’t think he would want to attend, it’s better to not apply and give other students who are interested a chance at the available spots.</p>

<p>Thanks, entomom. We needed to hear that.</p>