Not doing FOCUS?

<p>Is there any other incoming freshmen who are not applying to the FOCUS program for the fall semester? Or are there any upperclassmen who chose not to do FOCUS when they were freshmen?</p>

<p>If so, please list your reasons. thanks</p>

<p>The majority of freshmen don't do FOCUS.
I chose to do it and personally enjoyed it, though not finding it very useful.</p>

<p>i'm not doing focus b/c i rather get classes out of the way and potentially graduate early... in order to save money</p>

<p>I'm not doing FOCUS because I pretty much know what classes I want to take. I have specific hates and likes and thus, do not want some FOCUS program choosing my classes.</p>

<p>I'm planning to take all math, foreign language, linguistics, and music classes, with the exception of those darn three required writing classes, two science requirements (I kinda like physics, so I'm not complaining that much), and four other T-REQS (I think ethical inquiry and impact of science/technology).</p>

<p>Quality, not quantity.
I hate "core" curriculums. HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT.</p>

<p>i did focus and don't think i'd do it again if i had freshman year to do over.</p>

<p>I don't do the FOCUS...
It's because of the topics that is not attractive for me :)</p>

Just interested in why you wouldn't do Focus again?</p>