Well, I never thought it would come to this. I had really high hopes for myself during my first semester in college, and it’s just not panning out.
I was sick for 8 weeks (first with walking pneumonia, then constant colds and sinus issues), along with problems with my roommate. We also never had to take exams in my high school, so I never really learned how to take good notes or study.
My major coming in was neuroscience. Since then, I have discovered that I am not good at, nor do I like, chemistry, or anything really science-y (except psych). So I have switched to business (human resources, to be exact). I decided to take calc 1 because I figured that, since I took it last year in HS, i’d be fine. Apparently not. I can blame myself mostly for my grade right now (a 2.0) because I didn’t do some of the online homeworks, as I find it hard for myself to keep up with online work for whatever reason because it’s not like on paper where you know you have a due date. So, yes, this is completely my fault and I own up to it. I could get a 2.5 in the class, which is fine, but I need a 3.0 in it to be considered for the business college ( since it’s 1 of 4 prereqs), so I believe that I am going to intentionally fail it so that I can retake it (you have to get a 1.5 to retake it). I’d have to get a 92+ on the final to 3.0.
Now with chem, I study for exams at least a week in advance, but then do badly on my exams. My average for my first two exams is a 67-ish, and I just took my third today and don’t think I did well at all. I estimate 65-ish, even with a ton of studying. I used many resources, including ones outside of what my teacher gave us. I basically need to pull a miracle for the final in order to pass the class (my friend who knows all the content is going to teach me so hopefully it works.). I’m not worried as much about doing super well in this class as I am about passing, since it has become an elective because I changed my major.
My one other class I think I can pull out a 4.0, and my fourth, maybe a 3.0-3.5 ish?
I just feel like a failure right now. I really thought I was smart in high school but my university has really humbled me. I just really feel bad about myself that I might have to retake TWO classes???
I am taking much easier classes next semester so that I can boost my GPA. But what should I do about all of this? Is it possible to fix it over time?