Not enough time to walk between classes

My schedule indicates this problem. I’m not sure how much of a problem this will be at UMD. Anyone have experience?

Ride a skateboard?

What are the two buildings you talking about?

how do i find out which building the classes are located?

Does your course catalog/schedule list the building?

I didn’t see building name on testudo.

If you look on testudo, and open up the red link for sections, it will look like this
0101 Thomas Beigel Seats (Total: 50, Open: 0, Waitlist: 5 Holdfile: 0 )
MW 9:00am - 9:50am EGR 0108

The EGR 0108 is what you are looking for - it’s the building code followed by the room number.

Go to and click on the far left tab marked “route”…put in the codes for the buildings of the two classes…say EGR and TWS…it will pop up with the info Route Loaded: (1019.0 yards) in black letters and it will show you the route via a red line on the map. Directly below that is a box for routing options…you can select no stairs or change the unit of measure.

This will give you a sense of the distance. In the specific example I gave, you will note the most direct route is past stamp union and therefore up a pretty steep hill, so if you are hoofing it, you need to account for the extra exertion that might slow you down. If you have a bike on campus, then it’s not as much a time crunch.

You can use the TerpNav for your whole schedule if you want to play around under the tools tab…

Hope that helps.

One of my classes is CSI 3117 and the other is LEF 2205

Hmm, that is tricky. It is definitely a hike, but at least no major inclines. (CSI is in the engineering area and LEF is by South Campus Commons). Again, I’d say if you have a bike on campus, then it’s possible. Otherwise, I would look for an alternative section (same class may have other building options for other sections (0101, 0201, etc) at the same time if it’s something like ENGL101 or look for a different class to sign up for that doesn’t create that problem).

According to the map, that’s a distance of 0.66 miles, a good hike if you only have 15 minutes. I’m a lot older than you. a LOT, and I can walk 1.3 miles in 35 minutes, so I can see that it’s tight. You may want to try getting on a waitlist for one of those courses on a different day/time. My D has used waitlists successfully a couple of times, including her first semester.

Hi, sorry to gate crash your thread but I have the same problem. I have 10 minutes to walk from the Computer Science Instructional Center (CSI) to the Reckord Armory (ARM)… Is that possible? This is literally the only option I have if I want to take both Math and Computer Science or I would have to be on the waitlist for one of them. I am prepared to run if I have to as well :)) :stuck_out_tongue:

@RossandRachel Hmm, I kinda think that your scenario is possible. I checked TerpNav just to see the distance, but the route has you walking alongside the engineering field, which would take longer than cutting across the field. Of course, if there is any fencing there then that would hinder things and force you to take the longer way around the field, but I still think it’s possible. Tight, but possible. When you get to campus, try it out before classes start and you will have a sense if you can do it or whether you need to change one of the sections…

My daughter has a class in Tawes Hall and her next class is in Kirwan Hall. Can she make it in 10 minutes? Thanks