Not happy with my predicament?

<p>So my high school years didn’t go the way I would have liked them to. I only got accepted to UCR and I got waitlisted to UCSC but they took no one off the waitlist (should’ve applied as Undecided Humanities instead of Undecided Business so I have to live with that regret for now). I only applied to UCs, I wasn’t allowed to apply out of state. I sent my SIR to UCR but I’m not feeling going there. My parents are discouraging me from going to a CC and transferring to a better UC such as Davis. They will let me do that but my mom is being especially negative about it. She basically wants to get rid of me, wants me to have the full college experience of dorming and make friends. What’s complicated is that I want to work in the medical field, like be an optometrist or opthamologist but I want to major in business or the like while taking the required science class for med school so that I can get a higher GPA. I know it doesn’t matter where I do undergrad, that it will be easier to stand out and get a good GPA at UCR, and that since they just opened up their own medical school, and that it’s good for those interested in the health professions. People keep telling me that UCR is a good school. However I’m just not feeling the school and this isn’t based solely on rankings, it’s the feel. It’s hard for someone like me who’s from the Bay Area to transition to Riverside, it was UCI, UCLA, or UCSD it would be easier. The campus is nice but I don’t like the surrounding area. I can’t even connect well with the other students who will be going there. I just don’t think I can live there for four years. And I’ve heard the CC option is a bad idea if you want to be a doctor unless necessary because medical schools want you to take those science courses at an actual university not a CC plus I would have to take courses for the major and it all becomes complicated. I’ve also heard about UC intercampus transfer and if I stick with Riverside I would be willing to work hard, get involved, and get a competitive GPA but transfers from other UCs are prioritized lower than CC transfers and that also becomes complicated. However I would be willing to transfer to any other UC except Merced, even to UCSC so if anyone can talk about this process that would help greatly too.</p>

<p>This situation is causing me a great deal of stress right now. I’ve been depressed since I got the waitlist rejection from UCSC. What really hurts is that other kids at my school who did worse than me, had lower test scores, and not as many ECs got into UCSC but I didn’t potentially because of a major choice. I know they say they don’t consider major but if you look at the stats it seems that they secretly do. Everyone is excited about graduating while I’m just upset and it hurts more to hear others talk about college. The stress is affecting my eating and sleeping habits and causing me to sometimes cry myself to sleep. Right now I am both enrolled at UCR and at my local CC so it’s a matter of choosing which one to withdraw from so could someone please give me some advice.</p>

<p>UCLA accepted nearly as many transfers from other UCs as from CCs last year. They only accept transfers after second year, but you could look into that. They essentially look at UC to UC transfers the same way they do transfers from CCs, as I understand it, only transfering credits should be much simpler. There are few CCs I would think would be better than UCR. </p>

<p>I do understand your disappointment, but I also do think you have a good option. Sorry.</p>

<p>I also understand your disappointment, but I also think you are wallowing in it to the detriment of your mental well-being. One of the realities of life is that lots of things don’t go the way we would like, and we can choose to be miserable and enjoy nothing, or make the best of it and find the silver lining. UCR is a great school and lots of students would be thrilled to be accepted there. Riverside is actually a nice town, with some fun, quirky places. So stop telling yourself that you hate it, and get out there and find the elements you can enjoy. You can get a great education, have a fulfilling college experience, and do well IF you let yourself. And you can plan on transferring down the road. You never know, you may love it once you get there. Plenty of people attend their “dream” school only to find out that they hate it-- so don’t be so hung up on that concept that you miss out at UCR</p>

<p>Check out the UC transfer forum, I think even the tippytop UC like UCB admits nearly 40% transfer students to L&S, so from CC to any UCs is pretty easy route.
If you don’t like UCR, don’t go there.</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>According to this UNDERGRADUATE MAJORS (with admit rate) is 41% to L&S, so that is pretty good.</p>

<p>Hey don’t give up bud. You could always go to UCR or a CC and transfer to UCSC. You’re judging it before you’ve actually experienced it, so don’t let that get you down! Who knows, you might actually end up liking it. Talk to your parents honestly if you want to go the CC route, it’s not a bad choice either. It will save money in the long run (especially for med school) and you will be afforded an environment you are happy with. Good luck</p>

<p>You’ll be okay. It seems like the end of the world right now, but regardless of which path you take, it will work out.</p>