Not/Impressive Course Load

<p>When I visited a few ivies such as Brown and Dartmouth, they said they heavily concentrate on the transcript.
I have a 3.82 GPA and i know thats low b/c these schools want 3.9</p>

<p>what makes me even more nervous is the fact that while i go to the top public school in my state, my course load is not challenging</p>

<p>9th: honors trig, honors lit, honors history, honors bio, honors spanish I
10th: honors algebra II, honors lit, honors history honors chem honors spanish II
11: AP lang, AP us history, honors physics, honors pre calculus honors spanish III
12: ap literature, AP euro history, AP psych, AP statistics, honors spanish IV</p>

<p>lookin at Brown (dream school) williams wesleyan mcgill, U Toronto</p>

<p>Sheesh a dyslexic elementary school student with down syndrome could do that schedule</p>

<p>^^Watch out for this guy’s sarcasm. That’s a pretty legit schedule dude, 3.8 won’t hinder you but you’d better have some good EC’s and SAT scores.</p>

<p>Wait… are you joking? That is a very challenging schedule! 6 APs and all the rest honors throughout high school is very difficult!</p>

<p>Schools like Dartmouth and Brown don’t require a 3.9, but if you didn’t take your school’s hardest classes, you won’t have much of a chance.</p>

<p>2240 sat and very good EC’s that really convey my passion for writing
i feel very inhibited by my 3.8 when the average gpa in my grade is a 3.75 b/c u need to apply to get into my school so im worried since 40 kids frmo my grade will apply and only 4 get in</p>

<p>You need to look at different schools. GPA is only important in context of your school.</p>

<p>As I said before, you have little chance at a top school if you didn’t take your school’s hardest classes. There are AP’s and then there are AP’s. Psych is nice but top colleges want AP clac.</p>

<p>Then, even at a competitive school, if you’re in the middle of the class, without a hook an ivy won’t happen.</p>

<p>You can get into fine schools, just choose realistically.</p>

<p>i feel like brown is my one dream school so idk
idk if i haefv a hook: writing
because i have national awards in it</p>

<p>Here’s what the real hooks are: recruited athlete, URM, legacy, development candidate.</p>

<p>If you love Brown, throw in an application, just make sure to also have realistic matches and safeties.</p>

<p>Whether your courses were challenging depends on how much your school has to offer. Does it offer 30APs? 10? Did you just not take the hardest classes or did the school not offer many higher-level classes? I think that makes a big difference. Also, the 3.9 thing is not (I don’t think) a hard line at either of the colleges you mentioned. Rank is also very important because that shows more of where you are as compared to other people in your school. For now, I’d just say be relaxed and see how it goes. With a 2240 SAT, and good ecs with national awards (if they are real competitive ones) I think you really shouldn’t worry too much.</p>

<p>oh, stop your whining. your course load is perfectly heavy & your SAT is above average. there are plenty of schools out there similar to brown that u can apply to in addition to brown. ok? ok, good.</p>