Not much ECs related to business, chances of Wharton?

<p>Hi I am a student from Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong. My grades are not the best, and along with my lack of ECs related with business, I'm wondering whether I should waste my chance at applying to wharton ED. I would be very grateful if you can take a look at my stuff and just be frank with me thx :)</p>

<p>ECs: participated in an entrepreneur workshop held by Junior Achievement Hong Kong last year, and is a member of a small business club out-of-campus. Will this hurt me for applying to Wharton? (planning to ED)
other ECs: varsity girls bball, hong kong culture group, unicef, circus club, service in hospital, badminton club
job experience: part time radio DJ in a local HK station, law firm summer job</p>

<p>and heres some stats for reference:
International Baccalaureate PGs
HL Chem 7
HL Bio 6
HL Econ 5 (i got high 6/7s in tests, but flunked paper 3 of my exam and my teacher wasnt happy, hoping to boost it to 6)
SL Eng a2 5 (i have confidence to boost it to 6)
SL Chi a1 6 (i have confidence to boost it to 7)
SL Math 7</p>

<p>SAT CR 690, W 700, M 800 (will take again in oct)</p>

<p>also applying to:
uchicago (EA)
uc berkeley
barnard college
(im applying to hong kong universities so i dont need a safety, being pretty aggressive for US universities)</p>

<p>I would be super grateful if anyone have tips to boost scores. Thx so much for ur time!</p>

<p>Ehh…honestly Wharton is extremely competitive and being an international raises the standards even further, so no; I don’t think you’ll make it into Wharton, even through ED. As for your other target colleges I’d like to suggest that although maybe in your school or maybe even in Hong Kong IB scores are emphasized and seen as important, they are nowhere near as important, if at all, in the U.S as are the scores for standardized tests. Especially in your case as an international, your SAT/ACT scores are the only way American colleges can truly gauge your academic aptitude. So, if not for Wharton, I’d suggest you try raising your SAT score for the other colleges you listed.</p>

<p>Are you applying for financial aid?</p>

<p>Even if you don’t get Wharton, I think you’d have a good shot for Chicago/Berkeley and the other schools you listed.</p>

<p>I think u should stick to improving ur predicted grades atm…the common app has a section for just entering AP/IB scores…which makes me think that the US does acknowledge the IB programme and its rigour. Your SAT seems decent for an international applicant…work on your Subject tests and i guess there’s no harm in applying ED :)</p>

<p>If you’re wondering…I had literally no business related ECs. Wharton likes to see leadership and other qualities that you demonstrate in your ECs/Essays that can be APPLIED to business. For example, I had one EC that portrayed me as quite the mover/shaker, which is something they like to see at Wharton.</p>

<p>As idontjoke said, it’s honestly all about leadership. Wharton doesn’t care if you’ve had business experience or not. I know several people who got in and haven’t even taken any classes on economics yet. Just be unique and be yourself, and make sure your commonapp anad supplement essays stand out very well. Your scores are decent for ED, but won’t hurt to try again in oct. Good luck!</p>